Chapter 12.

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Day pasted and Yuya still couldn't get used to Yuto not being there. Right now, it was about the time he left Yuya.
Yuya waited like a Princess in a tower. Waiting and waiting, getting more anxious by the second. Until, he decided to text Yuto.

Hello, Yuto! Are you ever coming back? I love you and would die for you. I wish you the best time, in your dimension. I, also, just want to say how much I missed you. I love you, my dear.

A quick read ran down his face, as he stared into the sky. Memories coming back as fast as light hitting the ground. Slowly, Yuya began to feel nauseous. Kneeling down, he clutched his stomach. As if, wanting to fill the hole in his heart.

Putting on a smile, once again, he looked out the window and muttered some words.

Yuya: Once day, I'll find you, and I'll tell you how much I love you. I'll tell you how much I missed you, and waited for you. I wish you'll come back sooner, though, it's been a year.....

Finishing his sentence, he got up and closed the curtains. Then, crawled into bed, and ready to go to sleep. Suddenly, a great noise came, hurting his ears. The sound was coming from the window: Yuya shot up, and stood in front of the window.

When he saw him, Yuya wanted to cry, and, so he did. Rivers of tears came down, as he hugged the other male. Soon enough, the other was hugging back.

Then, he ,truly, woke up.

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