Chapter 3

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The pair looked at yuya holding their legs in pain. But Yuri recovered quickly and grabbed yuya. He carried him trying to bring him to duel academy.

Yuto: Yuya! Yuri how dare you!

Yuya jumped out of his arms making Yuri fall out of the window. Yuto hugged him tightly until he could not breath. Yuya quickly pushed yuto of him and blushed because of that yuto got thrown to the floor.

Yuya: W-why are you doing this? I mean Im not special why are they after me? Why just why?

Yuto: Well yuya. Yuri loves you and he will stop at nothing to get you to love him. And I don't want you to be forced to love someone and and I l-l-love you!

Yuya blinked in confusion looking at the boy as if he was joking. But then yuto went closer to him and held his hands. But yuya ain't having any of it (again) he was fed up of him. So yuya tried to push yuto out of the window like Yuri. But yuya couldn't do it instead he hugged him and came in for a kiss and then he realised what he was doing. Yuya tried to kiss him! Both boys blushed and looked away from each other.

Yuto: You know if you wanted to kiss you could of asked. I mean I don't mind if you want to kiss me...

Yuya: W-well I didn't want t-to I was t-teasing you! But why don't we try it?

Yuya now has a little smirk on his face as he continued going in for a kiss. The boy hesitated when they were really close but soon enough they kissed (again. At that very moment yuya heard a familiar voice calling his name it was his mom!

Yuya: My mom and dad are back... run NOW!

Yuto: Ok I'll see you again my sweetheart~.

Yuto winked at the boy and went out the window because of this yuya blushed. He had just met that mysterious boy and he thinks he might be in love. Yuya spend four hours or more with yuto. They got to know each other better and they might build a wonderful relationship. Yuya sat down on his bed looking at his cards thinking of yuto he had a duel disk on could he be a duellist? Yuto was really smart he helped yuya complete his homework on the day he got it he usually brought it on the day it was due.

Yuya's mom: Yuya I see you started no finished your homework. Well I never expected that.

She giggled as she looked at him. Yuya smiled at his mom and went back to look at his cards. His mom looked at him again with a big smile.

Yuya's mom: Did you get your girlfriend Yuzu to help.


yuya's mom just laughed again and left. But yuya just rolled his eyes at her and started looked at his cards again trying to figure out a new strategy. He was up all night trying to forget today when he heard a familiar voice call out to him from his window. In his pyjamas he went up to his window and saw yuto!

Yuya: Yuto! What are you doing here?

Yuto: I came to my love of corse. I couldn't bare to be apart from my little tomato~.

Yuya blushed and helped yuto into his room. Yuto just wanted to have fun with yuya so he kissed him (again) pushing him to the wall so he couldn't escape from him.

Yuto: Yuya I love you so much I wish you could be mine but I know you like the Yuzu girl... Not me.

Yuya: That's not true I'm I'm in love with you yuto! Why would I like her she hits me on the head all the time and when I try to help her she pushes me away! Yuto I'm in love with you not her ok?

Yuto was surprised to hear that from him he was so happy that yuya likes him back. Yuto pulled yuya into a hug the pair stayed there for a while.

Yuya: I don't have school tomorrow so we can have some fun~.

Yuto was turned on by that line and decided to make out with yuya. Yuya tried to get away but he couldn't. After finally pulling away yuya could breath and talk.

Yuya: You know I wanted to have a duel not make out.

Yuto: Oh haha it's just what you said turned me on.

He started to laugh nervously. He started blushing too and not just a little bit it was obvious.

Yuya: I shouldn't of put it like that should I?

Yuto: No you were so cute when you said that line though and I had to. Even if I knew that you wanted to duel. Wait how did you know I was a duellist?

Yuya looked at him with a blank stare he pointed at his duel disk and said—Yuya: your duel disk you know I don't like duel disks digging into my back.

Yuto: Oh yeah and sorry if I hurt you my princess.

Yuya: Princess!!! I'm no girl you know how rude.

Yuto: Yuya I know but your my princess~.

Yuya blushed deeply and hugged him not even making eye contact. Yuto giggled a bit to see that yuya didn't complain any more. Then he heard yuya whisper.

Yuya: Ok I'm your princess. But as long as your my beautiful prince.

Yuto: Of corse my princess~.


Yuya let go of the boy and covered his face with his hands to hind the blush. But yuto wanted to see his face so he made sure he saw his beloved yuya's face again.
I hope you enjoyed my third part of my first story this is longed that the other two cause I felt like it.
For now peace out ;3.
I usually check for mistakes but theirs 1020 words to check so yeah bye guys.

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