Chapter 32.

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After some time, they got back to the city. They began to walk to their house, when a lady approached them. She had short, light brown, which stuck to her face. Her deep green eyes, were like staring daggers.

"Excuse me, but are you two boys holding hands?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am." responded Yuto.

"Could you be gay somewhere else!" the woman shouted, gathering stranger looks, "You're setting a bad example, for my child!"

"Excuse me, but you can't talk to them that way." Yuri stated.

"Um, yes I can."

"No, you can't! You can't just go around shouting at every LGBTQ+ person out there. So what, you don't like it? Do I look like I care?!"

"Ugh." she walked off, clearly embarrassed, from what went down.

When she had gone, the attention, from the crowd, also started to waver. Clearly, the three males where surprised, by this. They had always know Yuri to be, well, unusual.
He always had the same mischievous grin, on his face, also with being clingy: They never seemed to be able to read him. Yuri was, well, too good, at his act.
'A good actor must always be, in character. After all, if they weren't, they wouldn't have been able to act, so well'. That's what he always said.

"What was that about?" Yugo spoke up.

"Actors must, also, know how to be angry~." he smiled, but with a genuine smile, this time.

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