Chapter 60.

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"Yuto, Yuto, Yuto... Yuto!" Someone yelled.

Suddenly, a purple, and black haired boy jumped up, from the lying position he had been previously in.

It was Yugo.

"Come on, we can't just sit around all day!"
He looked annoyed.
"Why is that?" Yuto simply answered.
"We need to help Yuya! He's taking on the fusion dimension!"
"He's what!"

Yuto certainly haven't heard anything about this. If Yugo knew, why didn't he tell him? Did he think he knew?
Anyways, that's not important. Yuya is the only thing that matters, at the moment, so Yuto had to find him. It couldn't wait.

Quickly, he felt himself turning to Yugo.

"Do you know where Yuya is?" Yuto asked, impatiently.
"No, I don't..." Although he was sad, he still looked insanely childish.
"Well, then, should we wait, for him, or try to find him?"
"Waiting is so boring! And I doubt we'll get anywhere searching," he had a confused expression, "Arg! This is so annoying!"

Yuto couldn't help, but laugh.

However, as Yugo said, both ways aren't very effective. Waiting couldn't even get them an answer, for they haven't seen him, in a while, and it's most likely they are keeping their 'secret weapon' private, after all it wouldn't be a secret weapon, if it was revealed to the world, before they had a chance to use it.

What exactly are they thinking? Sure, Yuya did agree, with this, but it doesn't mean it's not insanely dangerous.

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