Chapter 40.

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After being let out of the room, Yuto, and Yuri sat, at the table. Although they were talking a lot, before, they didn't say a word to each other.

Yuya found it weird. How could you gone, from all chatty to not saying anything, in a matter of minutes? Then, it hit him. Maybe, they were talking about a inappropriate subject. Immediately, his face turned, as red, as his hair.

Quickly, he looked away. Yuya thought of the things they could have had a conversation about, and wished he hadn't. He started trying to convince himself they weren't, but he couldn't get the thought out of his mind.
After gaining some confidence, he asked them, which they replied, with a shocked face.

"You don't want to know." they both said.

They turned their heads. Who knows what they were thinking?

"It's nothing inappropriate, is it?" Yuya asked timidly, with a innocent expression.

"No, no, no! Why would you think that!" Yuya, nearly, shouted.

"Well, I—." he got cut off.

"I wanted him to talk, so I asked him about you." Yuri smiled.



"Oops, was I not supposed to tell him about how much you went on about loving him so, so much?" Yuri let out a little laugh.

Yuya felt his face getting hotter than, before. Along with him, Yuto did, too. After seeing their faces, Yugo, and Yuri couldn't help, but laugh.

"You what?" Yugo chuckled.

"Shut up!" Yuto yelled.

"He was taking about Yuya, for ages. 'Oh, Yuya is so cute, he's so kind, and I'm so happy he loved me!'"

The pair bursted, into laughter, again.

"Well, Yuto, I glad you think about me that way." Yuya smiled.

"Of course, I love you, after all." his face lit up.

"I love you, too."

They both shared a kiss. Yuto's soft lips touched Yuya's, gently. The warmth, from the kiss was breathtaking. Separating, the two hugged, before sitting back down.

"Ewwww!" Yugo said, disgusted.

"Awe, I really want to kiss Yuya like to, too!" Yuri pouted.

"You're not coming near Yuya." Yuto responded, in a nicer tone, than usual.

A wide smile spread across Yuya's face. Maybe, that hate each other a little less, after all.

My little tomato (yuya x Yuto) Where stories live. Discover now