Chapter 15.

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The pair peeked around the corner of the alleyway. That's when they saw it.

A man seemed to be duelling, and they felt the attacks effect. Such as, when an ice move was ordered, a chill was felt, in the air. Suddenly, Yuya noticed one of the men duelling, Declan.

Pure shock was visible of Yuya's face, and when Yuto turned to him, his mouth was opened wide, with shock. Though, he quickly gained himself together, and continued watching.

Then, the mysterious man duelling Declan noticed the two boys watching.

"Hey, you kids!" Shouted the man, "get out of here. We're busy!"

At this, Yuya jumped a little. Although, he kept his cool.

"Sorry, we were just interested in the duel." Replied Yuya.

"Get out of here, then." Said the man.

Yuya, and Yuto left, without saying another word. Of course, they were surprised by the fact, but weren't scared.
However, they felt the need to find  I'm out what Declan was doing.
Sorry, I haven't been posting! I'll try, and post more!

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