Chapter 34.

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The walls were stained red, which made out to be words.



Yuya hummed a familiar toon, as he cooked breakfast. It was going to be eggs, and toast. Yugo, Yuri, and Yuto sat round the table, some waiting more patiently, than others.   

Gently, Yuya placed the eggs besides the toast. Unlike others, it was a peaceful morning. Birds were humming, the sun was shinning, and there was quiet chattering of people.
Yuya put the places, in front of everyone, earning a thank you from each one of them.

"You would make a nice waifu." Yuri blurted out.

"A What?" asked Yuya.


"Don't you dare call Yuya that, every again!" Shouted Yuto, standing up, in his chair.

"Calm down, Yuto. We finally have a peaceful day, let's make the most if it!"
Yuya smiled.

"Of course." said Yuto.

They all sat down, at the table, and ate. Several pleased thanks you, care from the three.

When they were done, Yuto picked up ten plates, and washed them. Then, he looked back, at there two guests.

"If you want to stay here, you'll have to help, with the cleaning." Yuto said.

"The cleaning?!" yelled Yuri.

"Yeah, what else?"

"Cleaning? Ugh, do I have to?"

"If you want to leave under this roof, you have to."

"Yuto, stop, don't be so hard, on them."
Yuya sighed.

"Sorry, Yuya." He apologised.

"It's okay."

The two pulled each other, into a long lasting, tight hug. Afterwards, Yuya pecked Yuto on the cheek.

"Why do I feel like a child, who just watching their parents, being affectionate?" Yugo asked.

"Shut up!" Yuto shouted.

"Yuto!" growled Yuya.

"Sorry, babe."

Yuya kissed Yuto, on the mouth this time, nearly lone enough to make it a making out session, which just forced Yugo, and Yuri, watching awkwardly.

However, they didn't noticed how weirded out the two were, and became a lot more affectionate.

Until Yuri coughed, they just acted, as though they were alone, but, when the realised they weren't, they were clearly embarrassed. Yugo, and Yuri stood up, next to the pair.

"Why hasn't the crystal appeared, yet?" pouted Yugo.

"We have to be patient," Yuya started, "I mean, it took along time to get both of yours."

"I guess you're right, but I'm still tired of waiting." he sighed.

Yuya grabbed Yugo risk, and walked out. While making his way out, he shouted something to Yuto.

"You find something Yuri can do!" Yuya yelled back to Yuto.

He waved by; Yuto did the same. Then, he glared back, at Yuri, a disgusted look, on his face.

"Well, I guess I have no choice." he shook his head.

"That isn't that nice, is it?" Yuri stuck his tongue out.

"Shut up, and come with me."

Yuto walked out, with Yuri following him, close behind. The walk together was silence, but, luckily quick.
They ended up, in the bedroom.

"Oooh, your going do that?" Yuri laughed.

"No! Why would I ever do that!" Yuto shouted back, offended.

"Calm down, I was joking."

"Anyways, you're going to clean this room."


"You, and Yugo are going to have to sleep, in this room, so I thought you would want it clean. It hasn't been used, in ages."

"Who was the last one to use it?"


"Oooooooo, okay!"

"Don't get any funny ideas!" Yuto shouted, "If you lay a hand on him, I'll kill you. Now, get to work!"


Yuto left the room, and sat down, at the table, once again. Part of him didn't know where to go, at tho point, but the other half wanted to wait, for Yuya.
Eventually, he came. His green, and red hair, almost, sparkled. Those beautiful crimson red eyes, which are full, with hope.

To Yuto, Yuya was perfect.

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