Chapter 28.

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When they woke up, they heard a unusual sound. It was, as though, it was getting louder and coming closer towards them.

"Everyone, stand guard. It could be anything." Yuto growled.

"Right!" Yuya answered.

They waited and waited, until they saw a boy, with blue and yellow hair, riding a motorbike. He took off his helmet, letting his hair lose, which was messy.

"Hi." he said.

"Hello, I'm Yuya." Yuya smiled, while holding out his hand, for a hand shake.

"I'm Yuto," Yuto glared, "'Nice' to meet you."

"I'm Yugo," Yugo exclaimed, "You must be angry because of the motorbike, right?"

"Wait, did you say Yugo?" Yuri asked.


"This is fate! Yes!"

"What do you mean fate?"

"Well, I'm Yuri and we needed to find you so that you could find your crystal, like this," he said, holding out the crystal, "Your the only one, who can get it. It's a reward for a race called the 'death run'."

"Wait, that race?" Yugo said, surprised, "I was going to enter it, anyways."

"Okay, that's good. Make sure you don't lose." Yuto smiled.

After awhile of walking, they came to a town. It was old, almost abandoned. However, you could clearly sense the people hiding, within the houses. Carefully, they treaded through. Making their way to the center, a man, dressed in rags, guided them, although they didn't need it.

"Thank you!" Yuya smiled.

"Well, now its time to pay up," the man said, licking his lips, "Give me that one and I'll let you go."

He pointed to Yuya. Without an answer, he grabbed his arm and tried to get away. Though, with no success.

Yuto quickly sprang into action and kicked the man, in the face, getting unwanted attention. A woman, with two men, by her side walked up to them.

"You know you have to pay the bill, right?" her croaky voice spoke.

She was more nicely dressed than others. Though,  her dress was still torn.

"Yuya, hop on!" Yugo yelled, "Only two people can fit so come, as fast as you can!"

Yuya jumped on and rapped his hands around Yugo's waist. Then, they set off.

"Well, I guess I'm not the one to steal your boyfriend." Yuri giggled.

"Oh, shut up." replied Yuto, while punching someone.

Quickly, they ran where the two other boys had gone. When they were, almost, there. The same women spoke to them, as though she hadn't lost.

"Run for now but, soon enough, you'll have to pay the price." her words made Yuto shiver.

"What's wrong, you scared? Do you need a hug?" Yuri teased.

"Of course, not!" Yuto shouted back.

When they got to where the two others were, Yuya hugged Yuto, enjoying the warmth, from his soft skin.

"What are you doing?" Yuto asked, gently stoking Yuya's smooth hair.

"I'm glad you're okay." he simply said, as he gave his boyfriend a peck on the lips.

"Go on, you lovebirds. We gotta go!" Yugo shouted.

"Ah, yes!" Yuya replied, embarrassed.

They walked into the stadium and, suddenly, the world felt like a different place. It was much cleaner than the village, outside. Furthermore, there was a lot of people sitting all around it.

"Sign up here!" called a voice.

Yugo looked over his shoulder and saw a frail man, which seemed only to be 15 or 16, sitting there, at the reception desk.

"Hello, I would like to sign up!" Yugo said, cheerfully.

"Great! What's your name?" he began, "Oh, your age, too!"

"I'm Yugo and I'm 16."

"Okay, Yugo. You have been registered. Good luck, you have a chance to win a beautiful crystal!"

"Ah, so it's true." smirked Yuri.

"Sir, don't try and steal it." the boy said, with a glare.

"Oh, no! I would never think of doing anything like that! Me and my friends here and collecting them so we were excited, when we heard about the reward."

"Okay. Good luck, Yugo," he smiled, "Ph yeah, I forgot. You will have to wait, in there. Once we are about to start the race, we give the racers some time to get their motorbikes ready."


The three others went to find their assigned seats. When they did, they sat down and waited for the race to begin.

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