Chapter 47.

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"W-What exactly h-h-happened?" Yuya regretted asking, as soon as he asked.
"Well, they are now the Lancers. I'm, also, apart of them, but I'm taking the day off." Yuzu spoke.

Yuya felt relieved, but, immediately after, he felt it again. Was the Lancers? Well, he wasn't going to find out, by just standing there.

Author's note:
Hello, everyone. I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but I'm taking a break. I know this is really selfish, but I need some rest. I've been feeling really depressed recently, and I don't want that to have a toll, on my writing. I want to do a longer chapter, but I can't bring myself to do it. I know this is another selfish thing, but can you cheer me up, in the comments? I love writing, and I'm not quitting, but I feel like I have to take a rest. Yet again, I'm so sorry.

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