Chapter 45.

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It was a long trip. After all, they were ages away. Even so, that wouldn't stop them. They saw how prepared Yuya is, and how he changed, and had time to reflect, in one car trip. Well, it did take a while to get there.

Honestly, they wanted to meet Yuya's friends. He spoke so highly of them, and it would great to see how wonderful the actually are.

However, it might just be a delusion created, by Yuya's words. After all, they way people speak about something makes you have a certain imagine. A great one. When it doesn't meet your expectations, you get somewhat angry, at yourself, and the people, who told you it was so great. You felt they have lied to you.
Such as someone saying that a type of food is great, than tasting it, and hating it. You thought it was going to be good. You trusted their word, but you just ended up finding something you hate, instead of like.

People think this way, because this is just human nature. They rely on the word 'trust', and hate, when they are fooled, by people, who are smarter, than them.

Trust is such an interesting word. Some rely on it too much. While, on the other hand, no one trusts anyone, and decided to be a lone wolf. I find that trust can make, or break a relationship. If there is no trust, why would you tell them secrets? Why would you believe them? Why would you rely on them?
Questions like these are good to ask. After all, why be friends with someone you hate? If you were, everyone would say not to be. But trust, trust is different. They say you have to build it up, after time.

The way people behave is so interesting, and important, because not only can you tell, by what they say, but what they do. Things, such as body language, and tone of voice, can change what you think about what they are saying.

Sarcasm is one of the many examples of this, because it's, basically, lying, but making sure everyone knows. You want them to know.

Most of the time, people don't want their lies to be found. So why would they want them to be, by using sarcasm? Why did we develop sarcasm? Why did we? Is there a certain reason, or did the person, who made it, just want lying to be more obvious?

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