Chapter 29.

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After awhile, it began. They could see Yugo and a couple of other racer preparing, on the starting line. In this race, it's one lap and the first one to touch the finish line first wins.

"3....2.....1.....go!" shouted a voice.

Within an instant, the participants dashed off. Luckily, Yugo had first place, for now. Suddenly, another motorbike took over, leaving him second.

However, Yugo wasn't going to lose that easily. By a feather, he managed to break though, at the last moment. With that, he had won.

It was a short race but an intense one.

"We have a winner! Yugo, age 16!" someone yelled, "He had won the blue crystal!"

The crowd cheered and shouted for more. Clearly, one lap wasn't enough.

"Now, the Prince will reward the winner! Yugo, please come up to the stage."

He, excitedly, walked up the stairs. When he got there, Yugo waved out to the crowd, as they yelled with approval.

"Hello, Yugo, Nice to meet you," the prince began, "Because you have won the race, here's the crystal!"

After he handed it to him, Yugo bowed.

"Thank you," Yugo said, "I am incredibly honoured."

The tournament ended and Yugo returned to the three. A smile was planted on his face.

"So is this what you wanted to find?" Yugo questioned.

"Yes." Yuto smiled, proudly.

"Hello, Yugo," at the sound of the voice, he jumped, "Well, well, well, it seems that you only have one more to go. Now, a riddle you solve could either lead to failure or fortune. So, do you wish to continue?"

"Of course!" Yugo yelled.

"I can't be bought but I can be stolen with a glance. I'm worthless to one but priceless to two. What am I?"

"Huh?" he said, puzzled.

"Worthless to one but priceless to two?" Yuya asked, "I think I know."

"Really?" Yuri exclaimed.

"Yes," he smiled, "The answer is love."

"Ding, ding, ding! That's correct! Yuya's crystal comes, with true love!" it cheered.

"You're so different compare to the voice, in my crystal." Yuri blurted out.

"Anyways, bye!" it slowly faded.

The answer was love. Love would save the world. But from what? Hatred? Despair?
Or maybe something far worse.

However, it could be easier to get Yuya's crystal than other, for he already has a lover, Yuto. Or would his love not be enough?

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