Chapter 31.

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Yuya walked, across the rocky surface. Because he didn't bring the right shoes along, the stones dig into his feet. Apparently, it was obvious, because Yuto picked Yuya up, in bridal style.
A sight blush appeared, on Yuya's face, earning a smile from Yuto.

"C-can you put me down?" asked Yuya.

"Ugh, sorry. It was just out of reflex. When I see you hurting, I have to save you!" replied Yuto.

"It's just stones." he sighed, as Yuto put him down.

Then, Yuri came up to Yuya, hugging him, which anger Yuto. A smirk was planted on the purple-haired boy. He seemed to like annoying Yuto.

Slowly, Yuri buried his head, in Yuya's chest. Angered, Yuto grabbed Yuya, and pulled him, into him arms.
Yuri began to pout. He seemed like a child, who didn't get a toy. Though, he quickly came up, with another plan.

"Yuya, Yuto isn't letting me hug you!" Yuri pouted, "You need all the love you can get, if you want to get that crystal!"

"Fine, you can hug me, but only hug. Okay?" Yuya said.


Quickly, he leaped, into Yuya's arms. Yuri nuzzled his head against his chest.
Soon, Yugo slowed his pace. He was in complete shock, when he saw Yuri hugging Yuya's arm, as they walked.
Honestly, he, almost, laughed.

"What are you guys doing?" Yugo tried to keep himself, from bursting into laughter.

"Yuri wanted to hug me." Yuya said, blankly.

"Though, I know my beloved Yuya wanted the same~!" Yuri exclaimed.

"Enough!" Yuto shouted, "Get off my Yuya!"

" 'My'?" Yugo questioned.

"Agh, sorry. That slipped out," he said, embarrassed, "I don't know how."

Yuto felt his face heat up, as he looked away.

"It's okay," replied Yuya, slipping out of Yuri's hug."After all, I am yours!"

The male had a genuine smile, on his face, as though he didn't understand the power of those words. When he realised what he had said, Yuya's face turned a shade of pink.
Yugo just stood there, trying not to laugh. While Yuri, was trying to contain his disappointment.

"Oh no!" Yuri yelled, interrupting the two, "I can't go back to duel academy! If they knew I helped you, they would kill me!"

It seemed, as though, Yuri was really concerned. In a sense, these emotions seemed to real to fake.

After some panicking, Yuri tried to regain his mischievous attitude, though with no success. Yuya felt bad for the purple-haired male, so he came up with an idea. However, he wasn't sure Yuto would like it.

"Yuto, can I talk to you?" Yuya asked.

"Of course!" Yuto answered.

They went far enough from the other two that they wouldn't be heard. With the look of guilt, and worry, on Yuya's face, Yuto could tell he wasn't going to like what he was about to say.

"Well, how about we... let Yuri stay, at ours?"

"What?!" Yuto's yell was loud enough for the two other boys could hear, earning them judgemental stares.

"Why would you ask that?" Yuto questioned.

"Um, well, I felt bad for him, so I thought, if you accepted, that he could stay." explained Yuya.

"When you put it that way," he sighed, "I guess I have no choice. Okay, fine."

"Thank you!"

They both returned to the group, where Yuya asked Yuri. Of course, Yuri was surprised, but agreed, no the less.

"If you all are going to live together, could I come too?" Yugo said, embarrassed.

"Yep, you can. If thats all right with you, Yuya." Yuto smiled.

"Yep, it is!" Yuya smiled back.

"Hey, how come you had to have a big discussion about me living there, but not Yugo!" Yuri shouted.

"People actually like me." Yugo commented.

"That's actually the reason." Yuto chuckled.

"How rude!" He pouted, "Anyways, let's get home!"

They continued waking. On the way, Yuto grabbed Yuya's hand, again, and intertwined his fingers with his.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

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