Chapter 4

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—time skip—
Yuto got some cake for yuya when he was out and about. Yuya actually lives at yuto's place now also he is now home schooled.

Yuzu: Hey gong yuya hasn't come to school in a long time so you think somethings wrong?

Gong: Gong thinks yuya is hiding something from us that's what's wrong.

Yuzu: But how can you be so sure. I mean it's not like yuya told you that was the problem. Maybe he got a really bad disease!

Gong: Gong thinks we should go to yuya's house after school.

Yuzu: Oh yeah good idea how didn't I think of that it! Now we will find out what he's hiding from us.

Shingo: Well well well who cares about yuya when you got me. He probably doesn't even care about your feelings he just probably moved away without telling you.

Sora: Shingo! Yuya would never do such a thing without telling us he probably is sick...

Yuzu: Well we have one class left let's all go to his house after school ok?

All but Shingo: Ok!

—time skip— ( again)

It was after school and everyone started walking to yuya's house. Yuzu had a bad feeling that he won't be there but she still had hope he would there. Finally reaching his house sora knocked on the door. Yuya's mom (I think her name is Yoko) open the door and smiled at everyone.

Yoko (I think): What brings all you here?

Yuzu: Well we're looking for yuya. We want to know if he is ok and why he isn't going to school any more.

Sora/Gong: yeah!

Yoko: Well yuya doesn't live here anymore and he is now home schooled. Oh he now lives with a boy named yuto.

Everyone was in a shock that yuya hadn't told them this. Yuzu who was now boiling with rage seemed like she was going to blow any minute.
She calmed down before asking:
Does he still go to you show duel school or not?

Yoko: Actually I don't know. But what I do know is where to find my son he lives here.

She gave Shingo a piece of paper and waved as she shut the door. Everyone tried to look at the paper as quick as possible.

Yuzu: Ok lets go!

Shingo: No no no we can't!

Everyone but Shingo: Why?

Shingo: We might interrupt something.

Sora: Like what?

Shingo: You guys are clueless aren't you ok we might interrupt...
Sorry guys I had to leave it on a cliffhanger because I felt like it. Also it adds to the drama and I'm tried. I'll make a longer chapter tomorrow ok guys.
For now peace out ;3.
I don't know why but writing 485 words didn't take long I wonder why. Probably cause I was having fun! Yeah DOG ok I'll go now bye ladies and gentlemen the show has now ended (sorry).

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