Chapter 65.

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With tears in his eyes, he held the crystal, while it spoke. He barely listened, because he was so happy, but a certain sentence stuck out to him.

"It is complete. Go to the three other crystal holders. There, you will meet your fate." It said with a inhuman joyful voice, like it was trying so hard to be happy. Was that some sort of punch in the stomach, for all the times he tried to pretend he was happy?

It doesn't matter, though. He has to find them.

Quickly, while trying to make sure he doesn't wake anyone up, he went out of the house they were staying in, and called Yuto.

On the other side, Yuto was surprisingly awake. His voice sounded tired, though. He had gotten used to getting a lot of sleep, and it would be weird adjusting again.

"Yuto!" Yuya basically shouted, "Ive got the crystal! It told us to all meet up, so yeah meet me at the Blue Eyes Park, at the fountain!"
"Wait, what? I zoned out, for about like half of that." Yuto yawned.
"Go to the Blue Eyes Park, at the fountain, and bring the others, as in Yugo, and Yuri."
"Ohhhh, okay. I will, but what's this all about?"
"I'll explain, when we get there."
"Fair enough."
"Okay, I'll see you there. Bye!" Yuya smiled to himself.
"Bye..." Yuto sounded concerned.

Soon enough, they were all there. They said their 'hello's, and 'how are you's.

As soon as that was over with, Yuya showed them all his crystal. He was extremely excited, while doing so, like a little puppy getting a treat.

Suddenly, they started to fly up, and a bright light appeared.

It was here.

My little tomato (yuya x Yuto) Where stories live. Discover now