Chapter 27.

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Eventually, they came to a cave. They could clearly tell it was too dark to see, in there. Luckily, Yuto had packed a flash light. He grabbed Yuya's hand and walked in, following behind, Yuri.

Even with the flash light, it was dark, too dark. However, the fear of being lost, in the cave, didn't scare them. Rather, it made them want to continue more, until they had reached what they had been looking for.

Yuya closed his eyes and let Yuto lead him, for he was scared of what to come.
Carefully, they treaded within the cave, making sure they wouldn't disturb the presences around them.

"Is everyone still here?" Yuto asked.

"Can't you feel my hand?" answered Yuya, sarcastically.

"Yep!" Yuri exclaimed.

Then, Yuri sensed something. It was although the crystal was calling for him.
Without thinking, he walked to the voice.

"Hello, Yuri," it began, "You are half way there. The next Crystal is a reward for winning a race called 'death run'. It is Yugo's one. Please, find him and retrieve the crystal. Good luck, Yuri."

It was no longer glowing so it went back to its usual hot pink. Gently, Yuri picked up the stone and placed it around his neck, for it had some sting on it.

"Let's go and find Yugo." Yuri said, while turning towards the pair.

Simply, they just nodded.

When they got out of the cave, it was dark outside. Therefore, they decided they would camp there. Slowly, the sounds around them stopped, as they fell into a deep sleep.

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