Chapter 37.

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Slowly, Yugo opened his eyes, and just saw Yuya there. He let go of him, as quick as possible.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Yugo jumped up.

"No, no, no, it's okay." Yuya insisted.

The two stood, in silence, for awhile, but, eventually, spoke.

"So, where's Yuto, and Yuri?" asked Yugo.

"Well, I locked them, in my room, so that they'll get along..." he said.


"How about we have breakfast?"

"Yeah, I'm so hungry!"

Both males stepped, into the kitchen. While Yuya was cooking, Yugo sat, waiting.
He took a quick glance, at Yuya's locked room. Even if he didn't notice it, before, it was obvious, now. The two were arguing.

Yugo took his attention, back to Yuya. Cheerfully, he was humming, as if the others weren't fighting.Honestly, Yugo had no idea how Yuya was, always, so carefree, and joyful.

"Can't you hear them fighting?" Yugo tried to stir up a conversation.

"Of course, I can." Yuya replied, still smiling.

"How are you so happy, then?" he questioned.

"Well, I didn't really have much time, with you, so I'm happy I, finally, do." a small smile appeared, across his face.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Actually, I haven't, really, had the time to talk to any of you, so it would be nice to have a nice talk, with, at least, one of you." A slight tint of red formed, on his cheeks.

"Aww, how cute!"


"Still, you should have asked me. I am happy to talk, with you, whenever."


"Don't mention it!"

After awhile, the food was ready. It was scrambled eggs, beans, and sausages.
Carefully, Yuya knocked, on the door. A loud 'what!' was heard.

"Really, do you want food, or not!"

"Yuya, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to shout, at you. I was just angry." Yuto said apologetically.

"You're, probably, only saying that, because you want food!" Yuri yelled.

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you ar—!"

"Shut up, you're both acting like children!" Yuya shouted, frustrated, with the pair's behaviour.

Yuya unlocked the door, and gave them the food; he closed it, again, afterwards, locking it, as well.

By Yuya's face, you can tell he's extremely angered. Because of the constant arguing, it has become, like a war-zone. Every time they cross paths, they seem to fight.

At first, it's understandable, but, after awhile, it becomes annoying. They have lived here, for a couple weeks, and they still can't get along.
It seems Yugo, and Yuya are the only sane people left. If they haven't been driven crazy, yet, it's a miracle how much they can take.

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