Chapter 48.

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"What's the Lancers?" Yuya asked.
"Well, you ,probably, don't know this, but an inter dimensional war is going on, and we made this group to stop them." Yuzu replied.
"You're fighting, in a war!" Yuya gasped, for air.
"Well yes, but, actually, no."
"So a maybe?" He tried to calm down.
"It's a maybe."

Yuya thought, for awhile. If Yuzu is in this group, then, Gong, probably, is, too. It's been a few years, since he had seen, or talked to Gong. They used to hang out all the time, and they would laugh, and smile.

Remembering all the good times, Yuya felt relaxed, again. He wished not to feel like that, for a while. After all, it had been happening all the time.

"Is Gong, in that group?" Yuya asked.
"Oh, yeah, he is! He will be so excited to see you, again!" Yuzu's eyes shone.

Suddenly, her phone started ringing. She excused herself, and answered it. Apparently, it was important, because she dragged Yuya along, with her, not before saying bye, and telling the rest of the Yu boys to stay there.

Although the speed of her walking would suggest something bad, there was a smile, on her face, which confirmed it was something good.

"So," Yuya started, "Where are we going?"
"You'll see!" She was in an usual cheerful mood, which, partly, made Yuya shiver.

It was weird to see her so happy. Then again, he has been gone years, and they, definitely, would have changed.
Then, he thought about Gong. Did he change, too? Would he recognise Yuya? Well, I believe he would, after all he has the hair of a tomato.

Hello everyone, I'm back! I haven't really been gone, for too long. After this short time, I found out writing stories, for you all to enjoy, is what makes me happy, and I will continue to do so.

I have learned so much, for the time I have been on this app. I've been inspired, by people, and people have been inspired, by me (at least, I hope so).

Thank you, everyone! I have, and will continue to love, being here!

My little tomato (yuya x Yuto) Where stories live. Discover now