Chapter 11.

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In the morning, Yuya wasn't awake I ,until 11:23. As he rose from his bed, he looked a right, puzzled. Then, realising what happened yesterday, Yuya grabbed his phone to see if the messages were real.
There they were. The messages as real as can be. Crying now, Yuya hid his head in his covers and tried to go back to sleep or, it seemed, to be waking up from a nightmare.

Unsuccessful, he went down stairs to see him mother, yet again, waiting.

Yuko: I know you feel sick, but this is unacceptable. Coming down at this time! It nearly 12!

Yuya: Sorry, mum....

Yuko: Yuya, dear, have you been crying?

Yuya: No.....

Suddenly, Yuko came in to hug her son, tightly. As a small smile formed of Yuya's face, he hugged back. Not wanting to let go, Yuya held on tighter and started crying.

The moment was stung into Yuzu eyes, as she entered. Confusion clouded her, when she walked in.

Yuzu: Why is Yuya crying?

Yuko: I'm not so sure...

The pair looked at Yuya, who was now wiping his tears. Slowly, looking up at the two, he forced a smile, which didn't stay for long.

Yuzu: Yuya, you have been out it, lately. Could you tell us why?

Simply, Yuya shook his head: the two girls looked at each other. One quickly grabbed their phone.  

Yuzu called Sora. Wanting him to appear quickly, she, anxiously, walked around, as she called Gong. The conversation with Gong was some what similar to the one with Sora. Though, It seemed that more worry filled Gong's voice.

20 minutes later, Gong came through the door. Dashing towards Yuya, he saw the tears in his eyes. Soon after, Sora came walking in. His eyes were drawn to Yuya, when first coming in.

Yuya's sadness was clearly visible, so plain worry filled their faces. After that, they tried to calm Yuya down, with so success.

Will Yuya ever feel better?
That was the question they were asking their selves over and over again.

Truly, Yuya did feel bad for getting them to worry, but he couldn't help but cry. Crying made the emotion of sadness come out, and Yuya wanted the sadness out.

When they did not succeed, they tried harder, harder and harder. Until, the four ran out of ideas: Yuya was still as sad as the first idea, so they knew they hadn't won.

Their minds could not think of more ideas, and, as they tried more, Yuya snuck upstairs. Still as sad as he looked, Yuya flopped on his bed, once again, and cried into his pillow.

Will he ever see his beloved, again?

My little tomato (yuya x Yuto) Where stories live. Discover now