Chapter 20.

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"There we go!" Smiled Yuto.

Yuya's hair was tied into a small ponytail. Both his green and red hair was in the ponytail. Then, Yuya looked in the mirror and smiled at his reflection.

"Thank you, Yuto," Said Yuya, "I love it!"

"That's glad to hear." Replied Yuto.

The pair went to the sofa and started a conversation. Suddenly, the phone rang. As quick as the phone rang, Yuto answered.

"Hello." Yuto said.

"Hello, Yuto," replied the voice, "remember me?"

To Yuto, the voice sounded familiar. In an instant, Yuto remembered.

"It's you."

"Indeed, your time is up."

Yuto placed the phone down and turned to Yuya. His face serious. When he opened his mouth to speak, he was paralysed in shock. Until, he finally got some words to be spoken.

"A murder is coming." Murmured Yuto.

"What! A murder?!" Screamed Yuya.

Slowly, Yuto nodded his head.

"We have to hide."

A wave of panic washed over the pair of them. Soon, Yuya regained calmness. He went over to Yuto to calm him done.

Yuya stood on his toes and kissed Yuto. Their lips pushed against the others. While they were kissing, Yuya rapped his arms round Yuto's waist.

After they finished, Yuto was calm. He smiled at Yuya.

"Okay, let's find a hiding place." He grinned.

"Yep!" Yuya agreed.

Both males went in search of the perfect hiding place. Then, Yuto found a place for them to hide together. It was a cabinet. Though, it was quite big.

They crawled inside and closed the cabinet doors. As soon they were comfortably inside, the murder stepped in.

Yuya tried not to scream, as they heard foot steps near them. Even if the murder was right next to them, Yuto was fine. He didn't even flinch at the voice of the murder.

"Hey, where are you hiding?"

My little tomato (yuya x Yuto) Where stories live. Discover now