Chapter 62.

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Suddenly, it appeared. The thing he had been hunting down, for awhile, now.

Self confidence.

Yuya realised something. He couldn't just sit here, forever, and pity himself. There's no point, in that. Rather, he would rise to the challenge, and he confident, in his abilities. Sure, it might take an extremely long time, for him to adjust to this way of thinking, but he was sure it would be worth it.

Life isn't meant to make you pity yourself too much is it?

Maybe, instead of trying to be the person he used to be, Yuya should try to be his new self, while, also, improving that person.

The sudden change might confuse a lot of people, but it's better, than just being a fake to everyone he knew so well years ago. Well, he could just try to be honest to himself, and them.
If they don't like him, he will have to deal, with it, because he has been hated, before, and, sure, he doesn't want to experience that, again, but it's better, than being a fake. Right?

This could be the last little push to get the crystal. He has to do this.

Taking a deep breath, he looked, into a mirror, and smiled. The person smiling back was himself. He was smiling, for himself.

'Good luck,' he thought to himself, 'You might need it.'

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