Chapter 69.

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Date: }#/=+/<*~>
Dear diary,
Today, something weird happened. I came across a strange book. It seemed to be telling a story. I'm unsure wether it's real, or fake, but the way it's written makes me believe it's fiction.

No matter how you look at it, crystals can't magically appear, and a man couldn't be summoned.

Honestly, I'm just wanting to think this is fake, because I don't want this to ever happen, in my timeline. Is there someone collecting the crystals right now?

Guess I'll never know...

Then again, it's stupid to believe in such a thing. In the meantime, I'll just pretend this is fiction, and hope it's true, so I wouldn't have to worry about this anymore, but it was written so realistically, but fiction like. I felt like the person, who wrote the book, actually experienced those things.

They are dead now, anyways.

There's no point in trying to find the truth. Even if it was real, I doubt it would happen again.


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