Chapter 18.

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By this time, Yuya had told his parents, and started moving his stuff. Yuto helped, too. When Yuya thought he had packed all his stuff, he said goodbye to his mother, and father. Then, left.

The pair arrived, at the house. Quickly, Yuya grabbed the suit cases, and went inside. Because there wasn't much sour cases, the were finished, within 15 minutes.

"I'm so glad you accepted." Smiled Yuto.

"I'm so lad you gave me the offer." Said Yuya.

For awhile, the two males stood there, smiling at one, and other. Suddenly, Yuto broke this cycle.

"I'll show you your room." He said.

"Thank you." Replied Yuya.

The room was quite large, with a double bed, in the middle. Next to the bed, there was a side table. A carefully placed lamp on it. Leaning against the wall, a book case, along with tons of books, though there was some space (probably for his books).

"Do you like it?" Yuto Questioned.

"Like it?" Said Yuya, "I love it! Also, I'll get to see my favourite person, in the world, everyday!"

"I'm glad to hear."

Then, Yuya pulled Yuto into a tight, warm hug.

My little tomato (yuya x Yuto) Where stories live. Discover now