Chapter 9.

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Today, Yuya slept in. After all, it was the weekend. He sat up in his bed and checked the time. It was 10:17. Then, Yuya went to check his messages. Surly, Yuto had texted him, but he hadn't. This was unusual. Normally, even if the boy was busy, he would text him.

Getting his thoughts together, he texted Yuto.

Suddenly, his mother bursted though the door and gave Yuya a piercing stare. Alarmed by this, Yuya shuffled further away, from his mother. In an instant, a smile formed across her face and she looked peaceful.

Yuko(I think that's her name): Sorry, honey. I thought someone was with you.

Yuya: Um, why would you think that?

Yuko: No reason, sweetheart. Love you!

Yuya: Love you too, mom.

With that, she left the room and shut the door. Yuya heard another door opening. He thought it could just be the front door, so he didn't think much about it.

Without warning, Yuzu, suddenly, appeared in his room. Holding her fan, which she usually hits him with, she went towards Yuya.

Yuzu: Why didn't you wake up, huh?

Without hesitation, Yuzu hit the Male on the head, once again. Walking in with his hands behind his head, Sora hopped in, while the commotion was happening. During this, Sora had a sly grin on his face. Soon, Yuzu noticed Sora and stopped. Yuya dipped his head in pain, while the other two started having a conversation.

Yuya: Why are you so mean, Yuzu? I mean, you always hit me...

Yuzu: Because you are an idiot!

Yuya: Okay, I am. Can you two get out, while I'm changing?

Yuzu: Okay....

Yuzu walked out. Following her, Sora skipped out, as well. Dipping his head down, again, Yuya looked out the window and closed the curtains, then closed the door.

Suddenly, without warning, a ding came from his phone. Was it Yuto?

My little tomato (yuya x Yuto) Where stories live. Discover now