Chapter 38.

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Yuya sat down, at the table. Slowly, he looked, into Yugo's eyes.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" he titled his head.

"Um, I just want to get to know you better." Yugo answered.

"Okay! First, let's eat!"


They both ate, in silence, staring down, at there food. Although they have been living together, they haven't really talked. Because of that, the pair didn't really know each other's interests, and hobbies.

Inside the room, the silence was the same, but, instead of it being awkward, it was a annoyed presence.However, if you're stuck, in a room, you might, as well, talk to anyone there.
They both knew, if they didn't get along, they would be stuck, in there, for awhile.
Furthermore, Yuto didn't want Yugo sharing a room, with Yuya.

"Okay, we have to get along." Yuto said.

"I know, but I don't want to." Yuri stated.

"Do you want to be trapped, in here, forever?!" he yelled, with clear frustration, in his tone, and eyes.

"Okay, Okay, I get it!"

"You better."

"Why are you being mean to me, then?" Yuri said, smugly.

"You're right, sorry."


"You heard."

"I was just shocked, that's all."

A tint of red spread, across his face. Yuto was surprised about what he, just, said, for he, still hates Yuri, but a little less. Additionally, he admitted he was right.

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