Chapter 54.

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'A plan?' Yuya thought. Honestly, he believed that Declan would have already came up, with one, but he guessed wrong.

Maybe, he was too busy with other stuff? No, it can't be. Declan would make sure to deal, with making the plan, before doing all this. So, why is it that he doesn't have one?

This same question repeated, in Yuya's head. He yearned to know the answer, but it would be quite a disrespectful question to ask, after all he might have had to do something extremely important, or something tragic happened, or he was getting information on the enemy. He could have been doing anything, and that's what's suspicious about him.

No matter what, you won't know his full life story. Most people only know he's a spectacular duellist, and he's rich.

As you can imagine, such little information makes people curious, and curiosity has killed many cats, and, soon, if Yuya doesn't control himself. He'll be one of the many cats.

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