Chapter 43.

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"Before we go, again, can we have a little date?" Yuya blushed.
"A date?" he titled his head.
"Yeah, we haven't really had any time to have one, in awhile." he had a small smile, on his face.
"Sure," Yuto took Yuya's hand, into his, and brought him to the table, "Let's have a date."

Yuto brought the chair backwards, letting Yuya sit down: he tucked it back under. After that, he started to cook. By his confused expression, you could tell he wasn't experienced, with cooking, but the effort he put in warmed Yuya's heart.

Slowly, Yuya stood up, and, gently, grabbed his wrist. While he was just smiling, Yuto looked, at him, shocked.

"Do you need help?" Yuya asked.
"I got it all under control." Yuto tried to comfort him.
"What you cooking there? Fire?" he said, smugly.
"No, I'm— AHH!" he ran to get the fire extinguisher.

He sprayed it, and the flames went out. A worried expression formed, on his face.

"I guess, I'll help."
"Yeah, I couldn't cook a egg."
"I can tell~"

Instead of eating, their date was spent, with cooking, and learning new recipes. Honestly, it was much more fun, than what they were going to do.

After some time, Yuto, actually, got the hang of cooking. Well, one thing that is. Although he wouldn't good, at it, it was enjoyable to do something Yuya found fun, with him, for he understood how he felt that way about it.

"I'm so glad we did this." Yuto smiled.
"Heh, me too." Yuya agreed.

Yuto leaned in, for a kiss, so did Yuya. Their lips met. Though, before they could enough the kiss more, Yuri interrupted them.

"Excuse me, but we need to go!" Yuri slightly yelled, "Do you want to see them, or not?"
"We're coming!" Yuto shouted back.
"And I do wanna see them!" Yuya frowned.
"Just come, now!" he shook his head.

The pair walked over, towards Yuri, along with their suitcases. They smiled, at each other. Somehow, they knew what the other was thinking. It soothed them.

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