Chapter 42.

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"Now, you will be leaving. I expect you to come back, with Yuya, or the news that he's dead. Do you understand?" Declan stated.
"Yes." they all said, before leaving the room.

Firstly, they had to get a lead, so they began asking around. In such a big city, it would take awhile, for them to found out, if he went here.
"Gong hope we find him, soon." he said.
"Me too, Gong, me too." Denis sighed.

Meanwhile, Yuya, Yuto, Yuri, and Yugo were preparing to travel to Yuya's home town.

Still, after Yuto's comforting, Yuya felt guilty. Why would they want to see him, if it was just, for selfish reasons? Would they be upset he hasn't been, in contact? Or will they feel guilt, because they might have thought they were the reason, for him leaving?

Yuya bit his lip. He didn't want they to think it was their fault, but he didn't want them to be upset, because he hasn't spoke to them, in awhile.
Honestly, he just wished he stayed, in contact. He wished he kept seeing them. He wished he hadn't made so much mistakes.

"You're thinking you made some mistakes, right?" Yuto asked.
"Not just some." Yuya averted his eyes.
"Look, every makes mistakes." he began.
"Not as much as me!" Yuya shouted, making Yuto flinch.
"You see, every makes a different amount of mistakes, but they all have their fair share. Also, you may think you made a mistake, like in a maths question, but, in reality, it just helped you get the answer."
"Thanks, Yuto." he smiled.
"Your welcome, Yuya." he smiled back.

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