Chapter 72.

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Yuya saw them, trying to defend themselves, from this monster. They looked like they had took quite the hit, and so did the surrounding.

When they saw Yuya, the gestured for him to run, but that was enough, for the man to see him, and, well, take him to a land, which no one has ever seen before, except from him. It was a mix of things, but mostly blank, especially where they were standing, or, well, floating.

He saw Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri there too.

"It's too late," the man spoke, looking different, from before, "I've run out of time to have Ray exist again."
"Who?" Yuya couldn't help, but ask.
"Ray, she was someone I knew, back in the day. She's the reason you all exist, as well as yuzu, and the girls. I'm unsure whether you should thank her, or curse her, for that."
"Well, who are you?" He said, hardly paying attention to what the man said before.
"I'm Zarc," He smiled, "I'm a monster, and so are you. I can't help you, except from locking you here. If I let you roam loose any longer, I'm afraid you would have turned out exactly like me."
They stood quiet, for a moment, taking in their surrounding, the new world they have entered.
"I wanna go home." Yuya muttered.
"Home?" Zarc laughed, "This is your home now! There's no way to get back! It was a one way trip. That's why I made sure to get all of you in, before me."

Yuya couldn't stand the thought of leaving again. After all, he had just came back, and he was going to leave, again, although he had finally talked to his old friends, and got even closer.

It made him sick.

The thought of making everything right just to make it wrong, again, sickened Yuya to the very core.

"I said I want to go home." He rose his voice this time.
"And I said it was a one way trip." Zarc growled.
"It cant end this way, it just can't!" Yuya tried to run, but Zarc stopped him, by grabbing his wrist.
"Listen, kid, I don't want to repeat myself anymore than I have already, so listen up. You are me, and I am you. We are one. This is my fate, so it's yours. Okay?"
Yuya felt the power, in his tone, and beloved it would be pointless to argue anymore, so he gave up, and just accepted the fact that he would be stuck here forever, with his friends being worried about his sudden disappearance.

Zarc saw the worry, on his face, and knew what it was about, immediately.
"Your 'friends' have already forgotten about you. There's no need to worry anymore!"

Yuya just stood there, while trying to process all this information he had been given. He was in a different world, with no escape, and his friends, and just everyone he had ever knew, except Yuri, Yugo, and Yuto had forgot about him, no matter what he was to them. It didn't matter if they really cared, or if they were rivals. It just didn't.

"It's over."

Yuya turned and saw Yuto. His words rung like a bell, repeating again, and again, within his head. Those two words could be used, for a lot of things, whether it be the relief of a test being  over, or your lasts ever words. They can set such a tone, even though they are such little words.

Yuya flung himself onto Yuto, and cried onto his shoulder, and Yuto felt himself doing the same.

Yuri stood near. He wasn't crying, but you could tell he wanted to, and then there was Yugo. He was sitting, on the floor, and being as quiet as he ever had been. He had lost hope, as well. He knew there was no way of getting out of this situation, unlike the many other things he has gotten himself into, before.

"Is this really the end?" Yuri said, "Does it really not matter that we have existed? Does ur really not matter what we have done? Was it all for nothing?"
His voice rose every question. He was getting angry, which was unusual, for him. He was one of the two calm ones, and, with Yuto standing there crying, I believe they were looking, at him, to be calm.
Who could be calm in this situation, though?
Would you be able to be calm, after everyone you ever knew, and everything you have ever done has been for nothing?
On some occasions, it would be nice, for people to forget about you, or something you did, like a school bully forgetting you, and not hurting you mental, or psychically anymore, or someone forgetting a horrible presentation you  did, but I'm sure not a lot of people would like everything they have done erased.

Though, they couldn't do anything. It was out of their control. They just had to sit there, and allow this fate to fall upon them.

"There's no going back now." Zarc said calmly, almost like he wasn't desperate to have his own life again, and be free.
"There has to be a way!" Yuri shouted, "There's no way there just can't be a way! You just haven't searched enough."


"I mean, I want to be able to go home, and do all the things I've ever wanted. I want to follow my dreams!"


"I won't just stand here, and accept this fate. I don't want to be stuck here. I want to make friends. I want to go out, and just live my life. I want to have fun! Explore! I might even learn a new skill, or two."


The place went quiet.

"There's no way back!" Yuya yelled, "There's no way to do all the things we planned! We have to just give up, and just live this life, now!"

Yuri looked angry, while, also, looking desperate. He didn't want to give in, but there was no choice.

"It's over!" Yuya continued.

"Yuya, stop, we all get it. It's over." Yuto looked away.

"It's over!" Yugo laughed, "It's over, it's over, it's over!"

"Now you all understand, I mean, I've been here the longest, and even the slight hope was surprising to me, but refreshing," Zarc agreed with the fact, "It is over, indeed."
He had got his way. No one knew about them. It's all over, no matter how you look, at it. Goodbye, life as they know it.

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