Chapter 25.

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Yuto and Yuya snuggled in bed, together. Without a worry in the world, they slept. Because they were with one another, they felt complete, like nothing could ruin their mood. Well, that was what they thought, until an unknown gemstone, which they have never seen before, started glowing.

Immediately, the pair jumped out of bed and examined the crystal. It was a beautiful violet colour. Somehow, it reminded Yuya of Yuto.

Yuto carefully picked it up and held it in his hands. Suddenly, it glowed brighter. It was, almost, blinding. Though, they still managed to see.

A voice spoke. It was croaky, like it hadn't spoke in years.

"Young Yuto, you need to help the others find their stones, or something horrible will happen," it paused, "You have found yours but that is not enough. All four of you need them, so that you will have enough power to over rule him. Now, go! The first one you need to find is Yuri's. It's hidden in a dark cave. I wish I could tell you more but my time had ran out. Good luck, Yuto."

The two were in awe. Who was him? Why do they have to find them? Most importantly, why is Yuri apart of this?
Questions similar to these floated around in Yuya's head.

"Let's go." Yuto simply said.

"What! You can't be serious!" blurred out Yuya.

"I think I know who he is and, if I'm right, we have to do this." he said.

"Okay, then." the male said, defeated.

Quickly, they changed clothes, packed their bags and set off. Soon enough, they were out of town. Firstly, they had to find Yuri because they both suspected, only with the correct people retrieving their gems, they will get their clue.

Instantly, a sudden gist of wind blasted them. More powerful then the breeze they had been getting. Once they opening their eyes, they see Yuri.

"Well, well, well, were you looking for me?" Yuri grinned, "Because if you are, I would love to come~!"

"Yes, we are." Yuto responded.

"I'll come! I haven't been able to have fun in a long time~!" he looked at Yuya.

"Don't you dare do anything to him!" Yuto  yelled.

"Oh, I guess you a protective boyfriend. Fine, I won't do anything." pouted Yuri.

Having Yuri join their adventure, it was going to be interesting. Very interesting.

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