Chapter 59.

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Yuri walked outside. Before he was to attempt his plan, he needed help, and there was no person better to ask than Yuya, for he had a team, wether or not it was his. They all had the same goal, defeat the academy.
If he were to get them on his side, it would be easy to overthrow the Professor. I mean, he wouldn't see any of that coming.

Though, Yuri would have to make sure they are good enough to actually fight, for they could just be a bunch of cowards, who wouldn't fight, even with someone's live, on the line, but he highly doubted that, for Leo's son, Declan, was the employer.

Declan probably is similar to his farther. He won't accept any slackers. The best is the one, who is superior. That's it.

Most likely, they will be good. Extremely good. Yuri couldn't just sneeze, at the possibility of destroying The Professors reign, once, and for all.

The weight of his responsibilities still lay on his shoulders, for he had done many horrible things, and he couldn't just cat like they didn't affect people. His actions have made many life's. Made so many people suffer.
No matter what, he has to repay those people. Allow them to have the life's they what. Yuri has to rebuild the cities he torn apart, with no proper reasons, but orders.

The past decisions can make people regret their entire life, and Yuri truly understands it, now.

The people, who have lost their families to them, most definitely hate them, no matter how you look at it. Why wouldn't you hate someone for tearing your family apart?


One day, you were living happily, and suddenly duellists come from an unknown place, wanting blood, and you either become a card, or live, and in constant fear, for your life. What would you do? Give up? Try to avenge your family? Try to live for them? Or join the ones who killed them?
The answers you give could tell a lot about you, yet it's so easy to lie. It's so easy to pretend to care, pretend to not.

No matter it's it a white lie, it's still a lie, and it could effect a lot of people.

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