Chapter 19.

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"Yuya, are you awake?" Questioned Yuto.

Yuto looked at Yuya, lying in bed. In bed, Yuya lye peaceful. He didn't move a muscle.

"Aww, I guess you don't want to wake up."   He smiled.

At that moment, Yuya rose from his slumber and looked at his loveable boyfriend. He let a yawn and got out of bed. His tomato hair all a mess. At this, Yuto giggled.

"What's so funny?" Said Yuya.

"It's your hair." Yuto said, as he continued to laugh.

Yuya went over to a mirror and glared at his reflection. Suddenly, he joined in on the laughter. To be honest, Yuya loved to make people live, no matter what. He loved to see their smiling face and having Yuto, a loved one, laugh made Yuto join in.

"Okay, let me brush your hair." Said Yuto, regaining his cool.

"Really?" Replied Yuya, excited, "I would love for you to brush my hair!"

"Don't you think your a little over excited?"


A big grin spread across his face, as Yuto's went redder.

My little tomato (yuya x Yuto) Where stories live. Discover now