Chapter 44.

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"Please, Yuya, help me! Don't leave me!" Yuto yelled.
"Yuto!" Yuya tried to reach out to him, but he just got even more far away, "Please, don't leave me!"

He woke up, in a sweat. It seems he had fallen asleep, in the car. They all looked, at him, expect Yuri, for he was driving, but you could see his face grow concerned.
"Hey, Yuya, are you okay?" Yugo asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine! Just fine. Just fine..." He sighed.
"It's obvious that you're lying!" Yuto frowned.
"Ahh, sorry." He looked out the window. He just didn't know  what would happen, when he showed up. They could have forgotten about him, for all he knows.

Yuya closed his eyes. He just don't want to think about this, anymore. Even so, the fate, which has began to befall him, has been set out, and there might not be a way out. If so, there's no harm, in trying. Right?

He couldn't help, but have a smile form, on his face. Suddenly, all his worry's drifted away. Of course, they would think he was different. After all, people change over time. They have, probably, changed, as well.
He couldn't wait to see them, now. They have been his friends, for so long, and, after so long, he will be able to see them again. Years after, they will, finally, unite.

Yuya couldn't wait to face the fate, ahead of him. Sure, he still had worries, but they weren't as serious, now.

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