Chapter Sixty Seven

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Chapter Sixty Seven – Zayn

Zayn bites his lip and pulls on the sleeves of the expensive suit jacket he has on, it's almost five o'clock and so far there's no sign of Liam. He knows Liam would never go back on his promise to be there, but he also can't help but feeling this is Liam's way of telling him he never wants to see him again. Zayn's nervous and feels like he could pass out, or throw up, and he's almost sure one or both is going to happen at some point this weekend. “Relax” Harry murmurs into his ear, coming into Zayn's line of vision, “Haz, I can't. He's not here, he's not coming” Zayn says quickly. Harry furrows his eyebrows before shaking his head, “Lou just texted me, they're on their way, just running a little behind” he soothes. Zayn bites his lip again, narrowing his eyes at Harry, “relax Zee” Niall says suddenly, and Zayn jumps, not having seen the blond approach, “Ni, I don't think I can” he mumbles. Before Niall can say anything else Astrid walks towards them, “you ready, Zayn?” she asks, and he shakes his head, “Zayn. You'll be great, just work the room, keep one of your friends with you, everything will be great” Astrid soothes, Zayn bites his lip and nods slowly, “I'm going to open the door now, alright?” she asks slowly. Zayn doesn't respond, he doesn't think he knows how to anymore, “yea, go ahead” Harry answers for him, sending Zayn a pointed look, that tells him to pull himself together.

Zayn stays in the back corner, furthest from the door as people start to come through it, the first people he sees arrive are Harry's mum and Step-dad, followed closely by Gemma, Niall's parents are next through the door, and Zayn's a little shocked to see them if he's honest. It's not that he doesn't want them there, just that he didn't think they would make the trip out, having moved back to Ireland a year ago. Anne spots him, and gives him a disapproving head shake as she approaches him, pulling him into her arms in a tight hug, “I'm so proud of you” she murmurs, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she pulls away. Zayn blushes and looks down at the praise, “and I know your mum would be too” she adds. He feels tears prick at the corners of his eyes, and he bites his lip hard to stop them, he can't cry, not tonight, not here. “Thanks, Anne” he mumbles and she smiles at him, “but you shouldn't be hiding in a corner, not on your big night” she scolds lightly and Zayn shrugs, “you know me” he says as an explanation and Anne laughs, “yes I do” she chuckles before patting his arm, “I'm going to look around, I'll talk to you later” she says, before she's gone.

Zayn takes the time to look around the room again, Astrid's really done a great job, all of his work is professionally mounted and on display, and it looks amazing, Zayn almost forgets that it's his artwork. The room is buzzing now, with all the conversation, and Zayn bites his lip again, Liam still isn't here, but he notices Lou Teasdale has just walked in carrying Lux, followed closely by Tom, her boyfriend. Behind them are Josh, Dan, Sandy and Jon, and a few more members of Liam's touring crew, so he knows Liam should be here soon, if he's still coming. Lou makes her way over to him once she spots him, setting a squirming Lux down on the ground “stay with me” she warns and the three year old nods, before launching herself at Zayn's legs. Zayn laughs and bends down to be eye level with the girl who moves her arms to around his neck, “Zaynie!” she cheers and he smiles, a real smile for the first time all day, “Luxie!” he answers back, pressing a loud kiss to her cheek, before standing up again. Lou smiles at him, “well, you clean up good' she teases, fixing a stray strand of his hair for him, “thanks” he mumbles shyly and she waves him away. “I only saw a few on my way through, but so far everything looks amazing Zayn. I'm happy for you” Lou says. Zayn smiles and nods his head, before fidgeting around a little, “thanks, feel free to look around?” he asks more than says and Lou laughs before patting his shoulder and grabbing Lux's hand and disappearing into the room.

It's quarter after five now and Zayn feels like crawling under one of the tables and curling in on himself with his sketchbook, like he used to as a child, but he can't and he knows he can't but it doesn't change that he doesn't like the crowds. The room is now filled with people, some Zayn knows, or at least recognizes but there's more, lots more that he doesn't know at all, and they're the ones making him want to go into hiding. He looks up again just as Perrie walks in, her blue eyes scan the crowded room before landing on him, and she makes a beeline through the people towards him, “hey” she calls once she's close enough, “hey” Zayn answers quietly. Perrie shakes her head and pulls him into a hug, “you're like a proper artist, Zayn. I'm so happy for you” she coos, and Zayn blushes and looks away from her, “we'll see” he mumbles, because really everything depends on how tonight and tomorrow go. Perrie sighs, “everything is going great, I can tell” she soothes, rubbing a hand over Zayn's arm. Zayn smiles, “except he's not here” he grumbles and Perrie's eyes soften in understanding, “Zayn, babe, he'll be here soon. Liam wouldn't miss this” she murmurs, and Zayn shrugs, “help yourself to some wine, and feel free to look around” he mumbles turning away from Perrie. He's happy to see her, but he just wants Liam right now, needs him to be able to work the room, and talk to the crowd like he's supposed to be doing. Perrie pats his back before she disappears as well, to find the other girls Zayn assumes, he's not sure where Harry is, and knows Niall is with Josh somewhere in the room, but he wishes one of his friends was here right now with him.

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