Chapter Three

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Chapter Three – Zayn

Zayn wakes up to someone pounding on his and Harry’s front door, and stumbles out of bed to answer it, groggily pulling on a hoodie and sweat pants as he goes, the pants end up backwards but he can’t bring himself to care. When he throws open the door he glares at the blond standing in front of him “morning Zee” Niall chirps pushing past him into the apartment, Zayn glares after him and pushes the door shut before following him into the kitchen where he can hear him now talking to Harry. Zayn arrives in the kitchen just as Harry finishes making tea and pushes a chipped cup into his hand, he smiles gratefully at his roommate before glaring at Niall again. Niall’s family moved from Ireland in their last year at school and the pair had adopted Niall into their group almost instantly. Although they had been friends for years it didn’t stop Zayn from getting annoyed with him, especially in the morning. Niall just laughs at Zayn, and takes his cup from Harry, who then turns and starts making waffles for breakfast, “before you carry out one of the many deaths you’re plotting for me, don’t you want to know why I’m here?” Niall asks. Zayn glares a little harder, “to eat all our food I would assume” he chuckles, Niall laughs again, “nope, just a bonus, really” he says and Zayn rolls his eyes. “Niall I’d get on with the explanation if I were you. We both know Zayn’s capable of murder, when woken up before 11:00 AM” Harry warns from the stove. Niall sighs and nods, “right, well, they’ve just announced three more London shows for one Liam Payne” he grins, Zayn’s eyes widen and he splutters on his tea, “that’s great Ni, but I don’t have enough money for tickets” he sighs. Niall just waves him away, “that’s not all, there’s also a contest, where the winner gets four tickets to a concert, and gets to spend an entire day hanging out with Liam himself” he adds, bouncing in his seat.

Zayn’s mouth drops, how had he missed this announcement, that’s what happens when you sleep apparently, Niall and Harry chuckle at his expression, “how do I enter?” he asks quickly and Niall laughs again. He pushes a print out towards Zayn with a smirk “it’s all here, but basically you have to write a short thing saying why you deserve it and stuff, and if you’re one of the top ten, you get a link exclusive to you, and you use your twitter following to get votes. The person with the most votes wins. Deadline’s in three days” Niall finishes, and Zayn’s jaw drops again, before anyone can say anything Zayn has sprung out of his seat and run from the room, not before pressing a sloppy kiss to Niall’s cheek. Harry watches him go with furrowed eyebrows then turns to Niall, “that’s one way to save your life, but you know who he’s gonna take if he wins right?” Harry asks and Niall nods. “Yup, but you know we both don’t mind Liam’s music and if it makes our Zaynie happy, I’d do pretty much anything” Niall mumbles as Harry nods his agreement. Zayn slides back into the small kitchen a few minutes later his laptop tucked under his arm Harry rolls his eyes and places a plate of waffles in front of him, “eat first Zayn, then you can write your entry” he chuckles. Zayn nods hesitantly, and begins quickly shovelling the waffles into his mouth, syrup dripping down his chin, Harry rolls his eyes fondly at his best friend and begins slowly eating his own breakfast.

When they're all done eating Zayn pushes his plate aside and opens his laptop, pulling up a new document he begins typing furiously. Niall raises his eyebrows at Harry who just shakes his head and gestures for them to leave Zayn to it, Niall nods, following Harry from the kitchen into the small living room. Zayn was typing quickly, pouring his heart into his short entry, according to the rules Niall had brought, he had to keep it under a thousand words. He had already typed how Liam’s music had come into his life at the exact right time, how hearing Liam’s first single for the first time, while in the hospital , after learning his parents had died in a car crash, had kept him sane. He had also added how, he knew he was in the minority of the fan base being a male, but that he had made so many friends through Liam’s music, friends he had never met, but still. He was now trying to put into words how his music helped him daily, and what it would mean to him to just see Liam’s concert, even, but he was struggling, he was always terrible with words, much better at drawing his feelings, in his art, but words, words were Harry’s thing. As if Zayn’s thoughts had summoned him Harry appeared in the kitchen behind Zayn, “how’s it going?” he asks lightly and Zayn shrugged, “I’m stuck” he mumbles pouting up at Harry. Sighing Harry reaches around Zayn, tugging the laptop from in front of him, Harry quickly read what Zayn has already written, “so far it looks good Zee, and I’ll help you re-word this part” he murmurs, cracking his knuckles and typing furiously.

Zayn leans back in his chair watching Harry work, after fifteen minutes he stops and pushes the computer back towards Zayn. He could feel his smile getting wider, as he read, Harry had managed to say everything Zayn had been trying to, but couldn’t put into words. Without warning Zayn is launching himself at Harry, pressing sloppy kisses all over his face. Harry grimaces and began wiping his face, “you’re welcome Zee, just promise me one thing” Harry chuckles  Zayn’s eyes widen as he nods, “anything Haz” he murmurs, “if you win, you’ll take me with you, I figure that really cute guy, that trails Liam’s every move will be there, and I’d like to know him a little better” Harry winks. Zayn chuckles and hugs Harry again, “you mean Louis, his best friend, who he made his assistant, but of course I’d take you Haz, who else?” Zayn laughs and Harry finally hugs him back. Niall came back into the kitchen then as well, “you’re TV’s not working” he mutters and Zayn pulls his face out of Harry’s neck to glare at Niall, “we know Ni” he sighs, “we couldn’t pay the cable bill last month and they cut it off last week” Harry adds in glumly. Niall nods as if he understands “that sucks boys, he murmurs, “but your neighbour’s internet still works, let’s watch Netflix” he cheers. Zayn shakes his head, his and Harry’s neighbour was a single mother who, didn’t password her wireless internet and in exchange Harry and Zayn would babysit her two year old daughter on occasion.

Niall quickly reads Zayn’s entry over his shoulder, nodding his head as he does, “sounds good Zee, now just send it in” he coaxes, Zayn nods, quickly pulling up his email and typing in the address for the contest. He attaches his entry as a word document, and before he can talk himself out of it, presses send. He immediately gets an email from an address that has DO NOT REPLY in it, thanking him for his entry, and telling him, he will be contacted if he is in the top ten finalists. Once he finishes reading the email, he closes his lap top, turning to face his two best friends, “now what?” he asks sullenly and Harry rolls his eyes, exchanging a look with Niall. Harry sighs long and deep, “if we let you watch your Liam Payne live in concert DVD, will you stop sulking?” he asks, Zayn’s eyes widen and he begins nodding furiously, before sprinting to the living room and diving onto the couch, clutching the remote in his hand. Niall and Harry follow at a much slower pace, falling on the couch on either side of Zayn, who smirks and presses play. It’s only been five minutes but Zayn is already singing along and bouncing on the couch, Harry and Niall just smile fondly at him, before returning their attention back to their phones, only partially watching the screen.

The DVD ends and before Zayn can press play again Niall rips the remote from his grip “no, absolutely not, we aren’t watching that again today” Niall chuckles, as Zayn pouts. Harry shakes his head “not working Zaynie, c’mon we need to go get some groceries” he sighs. Zayn continues pouting but gets up off the couch following his friends to the door, pulling on his coat and shoes, before following Harry and Niall down to the parking lot. Niall waves goodbye and gets in his own car, as Zayn climbs into the passenger side of Harry’s car, waiting as Harry climbs in, and starts the car. They drive in silence for a couple minutes, with Zayn fidgeting, “Harry?” he asks quietly, Harry just hums in response, “do you think I stand a chance?” he asks and Harry turns to look at him for a second. “Zayn, you are the most deserving of this. You stand the best chance, promise” Harry assures him, gaze flitting back to the road, Zayn smiles slightly at him, “thanks Haz” he murmurs, but Harry doesn’t respond, just reaches down and flips on the radio, so Liam’s voice once again fills the car. Zayn smiles widely and begins singing along, as Harry continues driving towards the store.

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