Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight - Liam

Liam's awake and doesn't entirely know why, it's the middle of the night, and he knows he should be asleep, knows he has to wake up early for an interview, but no matter what he tries he cannot fall asleep. Zayn is tangled in the sheets on the bed beside him, snuggling with his pillow since Liam sat up out of his grip, he watches him sleep for a moment, his dark hair falling into eyes, and his tattooed chest rising and falling with each breath he takes. Zayn mumbles something in his sleep that Liam doesn't catch, but it makes him smile “could you be any more adorable” he murmurs quietly and Zayn snuggles further into the pillow as a response. Liam smiles and climbs quietly from the bed before he grabs his phone and makes his way to go sit on the couch (he may have snapped a picture of Zayn sleeping before he left), so he doesn't disturb Zayn. Liam unlocks his phone and opens a new message quickly typing and hitting send, and setting the phone down beside him. He jumps when his phone vibrates beside him sounding entirely too loud in the otherwise silent hotel suite, and fumbles with it for a moment before answering the call, “hello...?” he murmurs, grinning when his sister's voice comes through the phone “hey, Li. I got your text, everything alright?” Ruth asks concerned and he chuckles tiredly. Liam honestly hadn't expected her to be awake when he texted, he knows his sister likes to stay up late, but he figured she would definitely be asleep at this time of night, and would call him in the morning.

“Everything's fine Ruth, I just can't sleep is all” Liam mumbles after a moment and hears his sister sigh through the phone, “I see, so what's on your mind?” she asks after a second and he shrugs, forgetting for a second that she can't see him, they aren't back in his childhood bedroom exchanging secrets, long after they should have been in bed. “I miss you guys, is all” Liam mumbles and Ruth makes a cooing noise over the phone that make him narrow his eyes “you know we miss you too, right Li?” she asks and he nods slowly, “yea, I guess I just wish sometimes I could back to how things were when we were all living with Mum and Dad” Liam sighs, Ruth giggles making him chuckle as well, “Right 'cause, curfews and fighting for the remote, was far better than travelling the world with your best friend and performing almost every night” Ruth scoffs and Liam laughs, a little louder than he intends to, “yea ok, I see your point, but I do miss it, and all of you” he repeats and she sighs again. “When are you on a break again next then Liam, you should come home for a visit, I know Mum would love to see you” Ruth yawns and Liam chuckles, “yea so she can cry the whole time again?” he asks and Ruth giggles tiredly, “you know she only does that 'cause of how much she misses you and how proud she is” Ruth defends. Liam sighs “I know, and my next break is for a week in about two weeks” he says slowly, running over what he knows of his schedule in his head as he does, he knows he'll have to double check it with Louis, but he would love to go home, maybe take Zayn with him.

“Earth to Liam” Ruth calls into the phone, making him snap back to the conversation he's having on his phone, “sorry what?” he stumbles and she laughs, “I said you could even bring mystery boy with you” Ruth teases and Liam rolls his eyes. “I'll have to see what he's doing” Liam says and Ruth yawns again, “of course, but you know we'd all love to meet the man who's stolen your heart, Li” she says seriously and Liam grins, “he really is great Roo, I think you'll all love him” he murmurs, “but I should let you get to sleep and get back to bed myself. Thanks for calling and talking to me sis, I needed this” Liam mumbles, “anytime Li you know I'm always here for you, no matter how far away you actually are” Ruth answers. “Goodnight Ruth” Liam yawns, “goodnight Li” she answers before hanging up.

When Liam sets his phone down he jumps as he looks up and spots his boyfriend leaning against the door frame, he looks sleepy and warm, and so much younger than he does when he's completely awake. “Hey” Zayn yawns scratching his head, “you alright?” he asks and Liam nods, “sorry, did I wake you ?” Liam asks concerned reaching out for Zayn, because he really wants him back in his arms, even though he's only been out of them for about thirty minutes. Zayn shakes his head, no, before falling into Liam's lap, with a sigh, Liam chuckles and wraps his arms around him, “yes I did” he teases and Zayn shrugs, “not a big deal, who was that?” he asks and Liam shrugs. “It was my sister” he mumbles after a moment and Zayn nods waiting for him to continue, “I really miss her and home and she thinks we should come out to visit, on my next break” he adds. Zayn grins up at him, “I think you should Li, I know how much you miss them...wait did you say we?” Zayn squawks eyes widening and Liam chuckles, “yes, is that a problem for you?” he asks. Liam attempts to hide his laughter as Zayn appears to be having a mini panic attack at the thought of Liam taking him home, he thinks he would be offended, if he hadn't caught Zayn completely off guard with the request, and if he didn't know that the other boy just needs time to process things. Zayn shakes his head, and snuggles into Liam's chest, “you want me to meet your family?” he asks and Liam nods leaning to press a kiss to Zayn's jaw, “I do, I really do” he murmurs. Liam waits then and Zayn nods slightly, the movement is so small Liam's sure he would have missed it, if he didn't watch his boyfriend so closely, “yea?” Liam asks to clarify, and his response is muffled by his own shirt as Zayn burrows further into him, “what was that, love?” Liam asks again. This time Liam can't hide his laughter as Zayn pulls out of his shirt to glare at him, “I said, yes” Zayn mumbles and Liam grins widely wrapping his arms tighter around Zayn.

They sit in silence after that, and Liam's sure Zayn has fallen asleep in his lap, until the raven haired lad speaks, “Li?” he asks quietly and Liam hums to indicate he heard him, “what if they don't like me?” Zayn asks even more quietly. Liam sits up more then, pulling Zayn out of his chest so he can look at him clearly, “they'll love you, I know it” he says fiercely, frowning when he sees the disbelief flash in Zayn's eyes. “Hey, Zee, what's this really about?” Liam asks concerned and Zayn shrugs, but doesn't say anything, Liam just waits, having learned that Zayn needs time to organize his thoughts sometimes, and pushing him will make him close off even more. He settles for giving him small kisses and gentle touches until, the other boy is ready to speak again. Liam feels Zayn take a deep breath, before he speaks, “I just, I know how much your family means to you. And what if they don't like me? I'll lose you, and I don't think I can handle that, not right now anyways” he says slowly, never meeting Liam's gaze. Liam frowns and gently reaches out to turn Zayn so he can see his face, his heart breaks at the sight, Zayn looks like he's just lost his best friend and Liam is positive he will do anything to never make Zayn look this tormented again. “Zayn, baby, I swear they will love you, and yea I am close to my family but, if they have a problem with you, that's too bad. Because I'm not willing to lose you, for anybody” Liam says fiercely, Zayn nods but Liam knows he's not entirely convinced. “I just, my own family doesn't want anything to do with me, so I wouldn't blame yours for not either” Zayn shrugs, and Liam frowns deeply. “Zayn, your sisters are idiots for not wanting to be in your life, and I promise you my parents, and sisters are not going to judge you, they accept me don't they?” Liam asks and Zayn nods slightly, “right, and they accept Louis, always have” Liam adds, smiling slightly when Zayn snuggles back into him. “Harry, and Niall and their families love you, don't they?” Liam pushes, grinning when Zayn sighs and nods, “and you've wormed your way into Perrie's and everyone here's affection too, haven't you?” he asks. Zayn groans and pulls his head up to eye Liam “yes” he mumbles, Liam grins “so trust me when I tell you Zayn Malik, that my family will love you” he finishes, leaning down to press a kiss to Zayn's lips.

The kiss lasts longer than Liam intended it to, and when they pull back they're both breathless, “I'm sorry Li” Zayn yawns and Liam shrugs, “you're allowed to be insecure sometimes Zayn, but it's my job to help you see how great you really are” he answers, and Zayn nods. Liam yawns then, suddenly feeling very sleepy, “how about we go back to bed, now. We both need to get some sleep” Liam suggests and Zayn nods, but winds himself tighter around Liam on the couch. Liam chuckles because its official Zayn is the cutest there's just no denying it, “do I need to carry you?” he murmurs right by Zayn's ear, grinning when he shivers slightly. Zayn's response is to cling tighter and nod slightly, Liam shakes his head but shifts so he can grip him better as he stands up and makes his way back to the bed, Zayn's head lolling against his shoulder. “You're spoiled you know that right?” Liam murmurs as he lays Zayn down against his pillows again, Zayn grins sleepily at him, “I know, but you like it” he teases before yawning, “plus you did wake me up” Zayn adds, sticking out his tongue. Liam laughs, shaking his head, “goodnight Zayn” he chuckles, laying down to wrap around the other boy once more, pulling him back against his chest “sweet dreams” he murmurs, before he hears Zayn's breathing evening out indicating the other boy is asleep again. Liam presses a kiss to Zayn's shoulder before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep himself.

AN: I just need to say one thing real quick...I have nothing against Zayn's sisters, or anyone in his family for that matter in real life. This is purely fiction, I know none of them would react they way they did in this story in real life, I just have a plan and I needed them to be this way...but again nothing against any of Zayn's real life family...(no one has said anything about this, I just needed to put this out there)
That being said thanks so much for all the reads, it's amazing to me to see. I love all of you, keep reading, feel free to vote and comment, and talk to me, I like talking to people :) xo  

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