Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine – Zayn

Zayn's alone on the bus, while Liam is doing a radio interview, Louis and Harry left to explore the city, and Niall is on the band's bus, presumably cuddling with Josh. Zayn's not really sure where everyone else is, but he assumes they're all busy doing their own thing, so he's content to sit alone. It's been two days since Liam told him, he wants to take him home to meet his family, and Zayn's still not sure about it. Zayn understands what Liam's been telling him, but he can't help but worry that meeting Liam's parents in two weeks, will mean the end of their relationship. Zayn groans and pushes himself up to get himself a drink just as the door to the bus opens and a teary eyed Lexie climbs inside, muttering under her breath, in what he is pretty sure is Spanish. Zayn hesitates because, he's never really been alone with Lexie before, and doesn't really know what to do in this situation, she flings herself onto the couch, and groans before looking in Zayn's direction. He smiles and waves slightly, “uh, you alright?” he asks slowly and Lexie smiles sadly at him, “yea, no I'm fine” she mumbles and Zayn furrows his eyebrows, it's been awhile since he comforted any of his sisters, but he's not stupid, and knows that Lexie is definitely not fine right now. Zayn moves so he can sit beside where she is flopped on the couch, “ok, I know we haven't really talked that much, but, I know something's bothering you, and if you want to talk, I'm here, ok?” he asks and Lexie smiles at him again. “Thanks Zayn, its just, well its my brother” Lexie says slowly and Zayn frowns, “he still hasn't forgiven you?” he asks, and she shakes her head, “no, he says he's not mad, but he won't even look at me, never mind talk to me” she mumbles. Zayn furrows his eyebrows because Liam and Louis had talked to Sandy, they hadn't told him about the blackmail, but it had seemed like he was more understanding, “why don't you tell him everything?” Zayn asks and Lexie shakes her head. “I want to, but he won't let me, and who knows what Eleanor will do if I do” Lexie shrugs biting her thumb, Zayn nods sliding closer to her on the couch.

They're both quiet after that and Zayn is thankful because he really doesn't know how to proceed, he wants to help Lexie, but this is unfamiliar territory for him, he's always been kind of socially awkward. He looks at the girl beside him on the couch for a minute before he acts, reaching out slowly and pulling her into a hug, she sighs and melts into Zayn slightly, although she feels all wrong in his arms, too soft and too small, he knows he's doing the right thing for her. Lexie pulls away a moment later and grins at him, “thanks, I needed that” she mumbles and he shrugs, “anytime” he chuckles and she laughs, “but seriously fuck Eleanor” he says seriously, biting back a laugh when Lexie's eyes widen, “um Zayn, I don't know if you know this, but I have a girlfriend, she probably wouldn't like that” she jokes. Zayn shakes his head, “I know that, thanks, but what I meant was, ugh. Never mind Harry is better at this stuff” he groans and Lexie giggles, “I'm kidding what did you mean?” she asks. Zayn sighs “I mean, you need to just tell Sandy what's going on, Liam won't let anything happen to him, or you” he says nodding, “neither would I, to be honest” Zayn adds. Lexie smiles, “yea I guess you're right, but not today, he's being an ass, I'll talk to him later, after the show maybe, or tomorrow” she giggles and Zayn nods, before standing up and pulling Lexie up too. “Zayn, where are we going?” she asks as Zayn starts pulling her towards the doors of the bus, he chuckles, “to get Perrie, so probably Jesy, Jade and Leigh-Anne too, and then we're all gonna go get ice cream” he says seriously before jumping down from the bus. Lexie doesn't say anything but he can hear her following him as he makes his away across the parking lot they're in, to Little Mix's bus.

Zayn groans as he waits for the girls, of course he should have known trying to take five girls for ice cream would be delayed by inevitable make up application, “are you done yet?” he groans peeking up from where he's lying face down on the couch on Little Mix's bus. Perrie giggles and throws a make up brush at him, “almost, just relax would you” she teases and he rolls his eyes, sticking his tongue out at her, he's glad for the friendship he's forged with all of the girls but especially Perrie. She bounces over to sit on top of him, making him groan, “ok, we're ready now, where are we going?” Jade asks joining Perrie on top of Zayn, while Lexie and Jesy shake their heads, and Leigh-Anne tries to pull them up. “To get ice cream, duh” Zayn mumbles into the pillow, before everyone gets up and heads towards the door, they don't get far though because Eleanor is blocking the door when they get to it, “thought I'd find you here Zack” she sneers. Zayn rolls his eyes and fights down the urge to just punch her, because his mum raised him better than to hit a woman, “his name's Zayn, actually” Perrie hisses, “and we're all going to get ice cream, so if you'll excuse us” Jade adds with an overly sweet smile. Eleanor laughs, “he's not going anywhere with her” she says pointing at Lexie, who is glaring at Eleanor from behind Zayn, “and why not?” Jesy asks confused, her arms crossing across her chest. Zayn would laugh if Eleanor didn't make him so angry, and judging by everyone around him they all feel the same, “she is dating Liam, he is the source of too many rumours, they can't be seen together without Liam” she explains gesturing to Lexie and then Zayn. Perrie snorts “Actually he is dating Liam, and why can't Liam's 'girlfriend' and 'friend' be seen together?” she hisses, as Jesy rubs a reassuring hand down Zayn's arm, making him relax, and he smiles gratefully at her. Eleanor scoffs and rolls her eyes as her phone starts to ring, “whatever, just don't be seen and if anyone asks, he's” she sighs hesitating before pointing to Perrie and stalking away.

They watch her walk away after that, “hate her” the girls all chorus in unison and Zayn laughs loudly, “did you guys practice that?” he asks and Jade shakes her head, “nope, Zack we're just that good. Now c'mon Malik you owe us ice cream” she sings and Zayn rolls his eyes. “Who said I was paying?” Zayn asks incredulously, “no one, but I've decided you are, so let's go” Jade shoots back. Zayn's about to respond, when a hand clamps over his mouth, “you don't want to do that, she can go on all day” Jesy warns, and Zayn nods, and licks her hand. Jesy pulls away with a disgusted look on her face, “OI, save that for your man” she shouts, and Zayn laughs and blushes slightly. The walk to the nearest ice cream shop isn't long but Zayn's pretty certain he's never laughed so hard, Jade has decided she's a ninja and is hiding in the shadows and dashing between buildings, while Leigh-Anne encourages her, Perrie is making Jesy give her a piggy back ride, and Lexie is skipping up the sidewalk beside him, humming a song he's never heard before. Zayn misses Liam, and wishes he was with them, but also knows if he was he'd have to be with Lexie and not Zayn at all. They stop suddenly when Perrie screeches, Zayn covers his ears and glares at her, “look ice cream” she squeals, before Jade pulls open the door and somersaults inside. Zayn shakes his head, before following the girls inside, the place is basically empty, except for them and the bored looking boy standing behind the counter chuckles slightly at them, when they come in. Leigh-Anne orders for everyone, not letting anyone pick what they want, and Perrie pushes her out of the way to pay for it all, with a wad of cash that Zayn has no idea where she was keeping it, a part of him is curious, but he knows better than to ask.

They're walking back to the bus ice creams in hand when Liam comes jogging around the corner of the band's bus, Zayn feels a large grin spread across his face at the sight of him, and he wants to run into his arms. Sadly he knows they can't, they're in public and Eleanor would skin him alive, Liam sends him a longing look before stepping over to wrap Lexie in a hug. Zayn's smile drops and he slumps against the side of the bus, as he waits, Liam tugs Lexie closer to him, “where did you guys go? I thought you'd been kidnapped” he pouts and Zayn forces a laugh, “Lexie was upset, so I took her out for ice cream” he shrugs and Liam nods his eyebrows furrowing. Zayn just wants to kiss him, wants everyone else to go away, and wants to drag Liam back onto the bus so he can be alone with him, sure he and Lexie bonded today and logically he knows she's not a threat, but right now, when she's in Liam's arms and he isn't, Zayn's not thinking logically. “Everything, alright?” Liam asks concerned, his brown eyes darting from Zayn to Lexie, and then to each member of Little Mix, who Zayn can see are pretending to be interested in the pebbles on the ground. Lexie nods and gently removes herself from Liam's arms, and Zayn feels his breathing even out as she gets further from him, “yea I was upset about Sandy, but Zayn and I talked, and then I had ice cream. But I'm gonna go talk to my brother, I'll see you guys later” she explains, squeezing Zayn's arm before she disappears towards the other bus. Liam looks at Zayn then and Zayn feels his heartbeat pick up, “let's go inside” Liam murmurs, his voice deep and thick, Zayn nods wordlessly before turning to follow him inside, Perrie stops him with a hand on his arm, “have fun” she winks before Jade calls out “USE PROTECTION!” Liam shoots them the finger over his shoulder and Zayn shakes his head, before following him inside.

Once inside Liam rounds on Zayn, crowding into his space and pushing him onto the couch, “I missed you” he mumbles and Zayn grins, “missed you too” he murmurs back before Liam's mouth is covering his and all he can think, see, and feel is Liam. The kiss is rough but not unwanted, and Zayn feels himself get lost in him, as Liam pushes his way into his mouth, Zayn whimpers and allows him to dominate the kiss. They pull away breathless after a few minutes and Zayn whines, and pouts up at Liam where he's now hovering over him, “thank you for being there for Lexie” Liam hums and Zayn nods, even though he really doesn't want to be discussing Lexie right now, not when his boyfriend is pressing him into the couch, and Harry and Louis will be back any minute. Liam shifts so he's lying behind Zayn, pulling him into his chest, “what did you tell her?” he murmurs, fingers carding through Zayn's hair making his eyes slip closed, and a hum to leave his lips, “I told her to just tell Sandy what's going on, that you wouldn't let Eleanor do anything to him or her, and neither would I” Zayn mumbles and he feels Liam nod before he starts pressing kisses up the back of Zayn's neck. Zayn's eyes slip closed again and he allows himself to melt into Liam, completely content to cuddle in his arms for the rest of the day.       

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