Chapter Ninety Seven

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Chapter Ninety Seven - Zayn

The first morning of Eleanor's trial it's pouring down rain when Zayn wakes up, and he can't help but think that it's entirely fitting. He pushes himself out of bed and heads out of his small room and towards the voices he can hear in the kitchen. He's not the least bit surprised when he sees his boyfriend and best friend sitting together sipping coffee, but he is a little surprised to see Louis there as well, as he wasn't there when Zayn went to sleep cuddled up to Liam's chest. "Morning" he mumbles as he pours himself some coffee and moves to drop himself into Liam's lap, "good morning" Liam murmurs, pressing a kiss to Zayn's neck that makes him shiver. Liam smirks as Zayn glares, before taking a sip of his coffee, "you ready for today?" Liam asks carefully. Zayn just shrugs, eyes darting to Harry who nods at him reassuringly, because Zayn really doesn't know how he feels about today, about facing the woman who has tried to kill him on more than one occasion. But he's ready to finally be done with this ridiculous chapter of his life, he's ready to be able to walk around with Liam and not have to worry about someone coming after him.

After they all have the right amount of caffeine in their systems Louis and Harry rush off to do whatever it is they do until it's time to leave, and Liam guides Zayn back into his bedroom, where another ridiculously expensive suit is hanging waiting for Zayn. Zayn's been protesting the suit loudly since it showed up a week earlier, because there is absolutely no reason why he cannot just wear the one he wore to his art show a few months ago, for the trial as well. "I'm not wearing that" Zayn says stubbornly, crossing his arms and flopping onto his bed. Liam groans and runs a frustrated hand through his hair, and Zayn bites his lip because frustrated Liam is so, so gorgeous. Liam is suddenly climbing on top of Zayn, who lets out a surprised yelp at his boyfriend's sudden appearance, "Li, what are you doing?" he asks quietly, not liking the mischievous smirk, or dangerous glint in Liam's eyes. Liam leans down so he's hovering right over Zayn, and Zayn feels like he can't breathe, or move, "what can I do to convince you to wear that suit?" Liam murmurs, his lips ghosting over Zayn's, who pushes up in an attempt to press them together, groaning in frustration when Liam pulls back. "Will you wear the suit if I beg?" Liam asks, voice becoming husky in the small room, Zayn shakes his head, although the thought of Liam begging him, is a good one. Liam presses closer again, "what if I do this?" he asks, and before Zayn can ask him what, Liam's full body weight is pressing Zayn into the mattress, while his lips slam hungrily down on top of Zayn's in a feverish, passionate kiss that makes Zayn's head spin.

Zayn's pouting and glaring at Liam across the car that's driving them towards the courthouse and Eleanor's trial. He's wearing the new suit, of course he is, because how was Zayn supposed to say no when Liam was pressing him into the mattress and kissing him until he couldn't function? Liam chuckles and Zayn deepens his glare in an attempt to make Liam stop, his glare has no effect though because Liam slides closer to him on the leather seat, and presses his lips against Zayn's ear. "Stop pouting please, and I'll give you more like earlier when we get home" Liam whispers his breath hot against Zayn's ear, making him shiver slightly, before he nods and drops both the pout and the glare. "That's better" Liam murmurs, "you know I wanted you to have a new suit to wear because I want the memories of the other one I gave you to all be good ones" he adds. And ok that is a perfect reason, one that Zayn never thought of "but did it have to be so expensive" Zayn whines, Liam grins and presses a kiss to his cheek, "yes" he answers simply and Zayn groans.

Louis pretending to gag and Harry scolding him snaps Zayn back into reality, his cheeks flushing as he remembers they aren't alone in the car. One glance at Liam makes Zayn pout again because judging by his smirk he never forgot they were there in the first place. Zayn doesn't get a chance to say anything because they're pulling into the parking lot and he can see the mob of people with cameras and microphones, as well as a fair number of Liam's fans as well, and the reality of what they're doing today comes crashing down on him. His breathing becomes ragged and his vision is spotty at best, and his stomach is rolling in a way that makes him think he's going to be sick all over everyone, Zayn doesn't think he can do this, doesn't want to get out of the car. Zayn knows Eleanor won't be able to do anything to him, there isn't even a chance she's going to be able to get close enough to him, but this whole situation, now that he's here is not one he wants to be involved in. Zayn can vaguely hear Louis saying something, although he can't make out what, and he can feel a pressure on his fingers as if someone is squeezing his hands. Liam is suddenly directly in front of his face, crouching down to be at eye level in the cramped car, "look at me, look only at me Zayn, please?" Liam pleads, and Zayn forces his wandering eyes to focus in on Liam's lips first, watching the way they form the words he's repeating. Zayn then let's his eyes scan up Liam's face until they are locked on his own eyes and he can feel himself coming back to himself as soon as he does.

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