Chapter Eighty Two

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Chapter Eighty Two – Liam

Liam doesn't know what time it is, just that it's early, so early the sun isn't even attempting to be seen yet. Zayn's curled around him, his arms wrapped tightly around Liam, and his non-broken leg over Liam's waist, his casted leg is thrown out to the side out from under the covers. Liam smiles tiredly at the sleeping boy, he's really going to miss him, and he doesn't want to get out of bed, but he has to and he knows he has to, he just doesn't want to. Zayn mumbles something in his sleep, and rolls away so he's no longer on top of Liam, and he takes the opportunity to roll himself out of bed. Liam groans when his feet hit the floor, and he makes his way into the bathroom, where he splashes some cool water on his face and brushes his teeth. Once he's done, he makes his way back into the dark bedroom, where he accidentally kicks his dresser, looking for the sweatpants, he's going to wear today, on the plane. The pain that radiates up his leg, makes him hiss and curse under his breath, in an effort not to wake Zayn, “Li, what are you doing?” a groggy voice asks from the bed, and Liam sighs. “I'm sorry, Love. I didn't mean to wake you up” he murmurs, limping back towards the bed and Zayn, “just trying to get dressed” he adds as he sits beside Zayn, who has pushed himself so he's sitting up, and is reaching for the lamp on Liam's bedside table. Zayn chuckles at that, “I woke up the second you left the bed, I never sleep as well when you're gone” he mumbles and Liam can't help but coo. He watches as Zayn blushes, and turns his head away, “I don't sleep without you either” he murmurs, pulling Zayn's face back by his chin, gently, to press a soft kiss to his lips.

Liam would be content to stay in his bed, and kiss and cuddle Zayn all day, or for the rest of his life, it really makes no difference to him, but unfortunately duty calls, or Louis does anyways. “We're coming Lou” Liam grumbles into his phone as he follows Zayn out of his apartment and towards the elevator. Louis chuckles “sorry, mate. This early flight wasn't my idea, but your first show back is tonight. You need time to rehearse and all that” he explains. Liam groans at this and Zayn turns to give him a confused look, “tell you later” he mouths, and Zayn nods before pulling the hood of Liam's hoodie over his head and leaning against the wall. “Yeah, well, whose brilliant idea was that?” Liam asks, and Louis laughs “I want to say Jason's but I really don't know” he chuckles. Liam groans and sighs, “alright we'll see you downstairs in a minute” he mumbles before hanging up, without waiting for Louis' response. Zayn pushes off the wall and stumbles over to him, Liam gives him a stern look, before glancing back to the crutches Zayn abandoned, Zayn rolls his eyes at him, “it's like two steps Li” he whines. Liam sighs, “just please be careful, I can't take you getting hurt again” he murmurs, pulling Zayn into his arms, as he pushes the button for the elevator. Zayn snuggles into his chest, and Liam's glad Manny took his bags down to the lobby the night before so he doesn't have to worry about carrying them right now, he can focus on Zayn, and spending as much time with him as possible, before he leaves.

The elevator ride is quiet, but Liam doesn't mind, he's happy to just have Zayn in his arms, but it ends all too soon, and they're stepping out into the lobby, and then outside far too soon, where Sebastien is waiting with the car, and Louis and Harry. Liam helps Zayn in first before climbing in after him, it's early enough Jim and Alec aren't there, but they will be meeting them at the airport. Louis smiles tiredly at him and passes both Liam and Zayn a Starbucks cup, Liam smiles gratefully as he takes his to take a sip, Zayn just holds onto his as he burrows into Liam's side. Liam wraps one arm around his sleepy boyfriend, as the car starts to move, “good morning Harry, Louis” Liam says tiredly, Louis nods and Harry grumbles something Liam doesn't catch in response. Zayn barks out a laugh and Liam arches an eyebrow at him in confusion, “you didn't hear him did you?” Zayn asks quietly, and Liam shakes his head. Zayn laughs again and nods “he told you to fuck off with your good morning” Zayn explains, and Liam narrows his eyes on Louis and Harry who shrug in response. “Paddy is meeting us at the airport to escort these two troublemakers home” Louis says suddenly, and Liam nods but doesn't say anything. Zayn makes a noise of protest from where he's snuggled into Liam's side, at that information, and Liam sighs, rubbing his fingers along Zayn's arm. He presses a kiss to the top of Zayn's head, “it's just until we get Eleanor, I can't have you getting hurt again” he murmurs. Zayn huffs but Liam feels him nod his head, he knows Zayn is less than thrilled about having his own bodyguard now, but he needs his boy to be safe. His whole life fell apart when he got the call from Harry that Zayn had been hurt in a car accident, and he wouldn't be able to work if he didn't know Zayn was safe.

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