Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen – Liam

Liam grins triumphantly as he checks the clock, it’s been thirty minutes since Zayn told him he wasn’t allowed to speak, his throat feels surprisingly better, and less scratchy, plus he has Zayn cuddling on his chest. He’s been sneaking kisses to Zayn’s head and knows that the other boy knows, from the way is breath hitches whenever Liam does it, Zayn hasn’t said anything about it though, so Liam doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. “Hey, Zayn?” he asks quietly and Zayn shifts around on him, so he can look up without getting off him, Liam grins at this “yea?” Zayn asks eyebrows furrowing. Liam chuckles, “thanks, my throat feels better” he says and Zayn grins, “you sound better too” he points out and Liam nods, “what do you want for dinner, then?” Liam asks and Zayn shrugs “doesn’t matter to me, I picked the movie, you pick” Zayn mumbles almost sleepily and Liam smiles fondly. Zayn’s adjusted again so he’s focusing on the movie and Liam takes a moment to take him in, from this angle his eyelashes seem even longer, and Liam notices his defined jaw looks flawless still from above, he’s snuggling even closer to Liam than at first, not seeming as nervous as when Liam first pulled him to him. Liam smiles as Zayn laces his fingers with Liam’s where his one hand is resting by Zayn’s hip, and supresses a groan when he realizes Zayn’s biting his lip again. Zayn furrows his eyebrows and jumps slightly as something explodes on the movie, Liam chuckles and hugs him closer, “hey, you alright?” Liam murmurs, grinning as Zayn shivers, “yea, just jumpy I guess” Zayn mumbles and Liam nods, although Zayn can’t see him, “you ok with Nando’s?” Liam asks. Zayn nods “sure, whatever you want Li” he answers and Liam chuckles pulling out his phone and going on the internet, glad that he can order online and have it delivered.

Liam is half watching the movie and half watching Zayn when the door buzzes, indicating their food is here, as he shifts to get up Zayn whines in protest, “hey, I’ll be right back, just need to go get our food” Liam murmurs, leaning down to where Zayn has slumped to press a light kiss to his forehead. Zayn grumbles, but blushes and Liam shakes his head, as he goes to the door, pulling it open and exchanging money for the bag of food, “thanks” Liam says, as the delivery boy waves and heads back down the hall. When Liam returns with the bag of food Zayn has stretched out across the entire couch, his eyes are darting around the room, attention no longer entirely on the movie playing on the TV, “you’re gonna need to sit up, I don’t want you choking” Liam says making Zayn jump, and push himself to a sitting position, “sorry, I, I guess I’m more tired than I thought” he stumbles, blushing once again, and Liam chuckles, “it’s fine Zee really” he laughs waving Zayn off, as he sits beside him, his knee bumping with Zayn’s as he does so, he pulls the two meals from the bag, handing one to Zayn, who smiles gratefully as he takes it, “thanks” he murmurs. Liam watches as Zayn opens his food and instantly dives into it, he hasn’t opened his own yet, too wrapped up in watching Zayn, as the darker haired boy takes a bite his eyes slipping closed in pleasure. Liam realizes with a start that he finds everything about Zayn endearing and adorable, something he’s never felt about anyone else before in his life. “Earth to Liam” Zayn sings and Liam shakes his head, snapping himself back to reality “where’d you go?” Zayn asks as Liam focuses his eyes on him, he shrugs eyes falling to Zayn’s mouth as he chews the bite he just took. “I, uh, sorry I guess I just spaced out” he mumbles and Zayn laughs, “it’s fine Li, but you should eat before it gets cold” he chuckles taking another bite of his own food.

They eat in relative silence after that, although Liam is watching Zayn out of the corner of his eye Zayn is wrapped up in the movie and his meal, Liam notices, not for the first time, that Zayn’s eyebrows are furrowed as he watches the movie as if he’s confused, and he makes happy little noises as he chews. Liam also notices that he feels as if there is a flock of butterflies flipping around his stomach, and he feels tingly all down his leg whenever Zayn bumps his knee against his, it’s strange but not unwelcome, and Liam finds himself blushing as he eats. Zayn sets his now empty container on the table beside Liam’s mug from earlier and looks at Liam, “you’re slow” he teases as he takes in Liam’s meal still half there, “yea well” Liam shrugs and Zayn chuckles. Liam smiles as Zayn flips himself around so that his head is resting in Liam’s lap, his feet up by the arm of the couch, “this ok?” Zayn asks from underneath Liam’s container. Liam nods grinning, because yea it’s more than ok, “‘s’fine” he mumbles before clearing his throat, Zayn makes a happy sound as he shifts slightly to get comfortable, and yea Zayn just got even more adorable in Liam’s eyes. Liam practically inhales his food after this and tosses the empty container beside Zayn’s but he throws too hard and it skids across the table and falls on the floor with a light thud. Liam winds one hand through Zayn’s fingers, and gently cards the other through Zayn’s silky black hair, he stiffens at first, before melting into Liam’s touch and almost purring. Liam knows neither one of them is actually paying any attention to the movie still playing on the TV but he also knows he at least doesn’t care, he also realizes they haven’t done a whole lot of talking yet tonight, but he feels like he has gotten to know Zayn better. His fingers are still tangled in Zayn’s hair, gently carding through it as he watches his eyes slip closed, Zayn’s making happy little noises and sounds as if he’s purring, which Liam didn’t expect, but he finds increasingly cuter as he does it.

“You know” Zayn mumbles suddenly, voice sounding thick “I don’t usually let anyone touch my hair” he says and Liam’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, “why not?” he asks confused, because clearly Zayn likes this. Zayn’s eyes close again before he responds and he leans more into Liam’s touch, “I just, well it makes me, like this, complacent, submissive even. And I don’t like feeling that way with everyone, I need to know I’m safe with the person, really before you it’s only been Harry that I let do it” Zayn answers slowly, purring slightly afterwards. Liam feels himself grinning, “why, me?” he asks without really meaning to, his hand stilling in Zayn’s hair. Zayn’s eyes shoot open and he plays with Liam’s fingers for a minute, “I trust you, Liam, and I really like you” he answers seriously sitting up a little, Liam looks into Zayn’s eyes and sees the sincerity, trust and something else he can’t quite name swimming there. Liam swallows thickly, licking his lips before answering “you know I trust you too Zayn, I thought that was obvious, and I, I like you too. Zayn, can I try something?” Liam asks quietly, his nerves building as he speaks Zayn nods but doesn’t say anything, his eyes seemingly searching Liam’s face, Liam stays quiet for a moment allowing Zayn to see whatever it is he’s looking for.

Zayn bites his bottom lip once again and Liam groans, before leaning closer to Zayn slowly, so the other boy has time to move if he doesn’t want this, Zayn doesn’t move and Liam couldn’t be happier about that fact, because honestly he’s wanted to do this since about five minutes after meeting Zayn. Liam licks his lips as he leans even closer to Zayn and he notices Zayn releases his lip and his eyes flutter closed, Liam lets his own eyes slip closed as he nears Zayn. They are so close Liam can feel Zayn’s breath fanning across his lip, he dives down closing the last bit of space between them and finally presses his lips firmly to Zayn’s. Zayn doesn’t react and Liam just lets his lips rest against the others for a moment before he begins to move them slowly. Zayn seems to come to life then and begins to move his own lips under Liam’s, Liam reaches a hand up and tangles it into the hair at the base of Zayn’s neck, his other hand moving to cup Zayn’s jaw. Zayn winds his hands around Liam’s waist and shifts his body closer, so he’s pressed up against him as they kiss. Liam hums and drops his hand from Zayn’s face to pull him closer to him, Zayn groans (hopefully in pleasure) and increases the pressure of his lips. Neither is trying to deepen the kiss and Liam is fine with that, this kiss is perfect as far as first kisses go, and Liam couldn’t ask for anything more right now. He pulls away after another moment, and leans in to peck Zayn’s lips once more, before resting his forehead against his, Liam’s eyes flick open and he sees Zayn’s are still closed and grins. Zayn’s eyes flutter open after a moment, “that was…” he says breathlessly and Liam nods “yea, it was” he smiles as Zayn chuckles. In all honesty it was the best kiss Liam has ever had, he didn’t feel all the explosions you read about, just a warmth coursing through him and a need to have Zayn closer, and keep him with him.

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