Chapter Sixty Nine

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Chapter Sixty Nine – Zayn

Zayn wakes up the next morning, aching all over, but it's a good ache he thinks as he remembers last night, and everything that happened after they got back from his art show. He's laying on Liam's chest with the larger man's arms wrapped around him, it's his favourite way to sleep, favourite place to be in general, really, in Liam's arms. But he has to pee, badly he knows Liam rarely gets to sleep in and doesn't want to wake him, but every time he tries to wiggle away Liam tightens his grip. Sighing Zayn gently taps Liam's cheek, he groans and swats his hand away but doesn't otherwise move, Zayn taps his cheek again, “Liam” he whispers. The response he gets is hilarious but not entirely helpful, Liam starts mumbling, before he tightens his grip on Zayn and rolls them both so now Zayn is trapped underneath him. “Go away Lou, or I promise I will feed you to a dragon” Liam mutters, and Zayn lets out a laugh. He still really has to pee and now he's more trapped than before, sighing he starts pressing kisses to every exposed part of Liam he can reach. Liam's eyes blink open after a few moments of this and he grins at Zayn lazily, “morning, beautiful” Liam murmurs and Zayn can feel himself blushing, “morning Li, I'm sorry to wake you up, but I really have to pee” he answers. Liam chuckles and releases Zayn instantly, “sorry, babe” he laughs as Zayn rolls off the bed, landing on his feet, “I'll be right back” Zayn says before he sprints into the adjoined bathroom.

When Zayn walks back out Liam is sitting up against the headboard with his phone in his hands, “who're you texting?” Zayn asks, climbing back onto the bed that's almost as big as his entire room, and wriggling his way under Liam's arm. Liam laughs and presses a kiss to Zayn's forehead, “Louis, texted last night, when we were, you know. I wanted to make sure everything was ok” he answers, pulling Zayn closer to his chest, Zayn doesn't fight him, just snuggles further against him, “and is it?” he asks. Liam laughs and nods his head, “he just threatened to tie me to the back of the bus, if I bother him again this early, so I'm assuming yes” he answers. Zayn shakes his head and looks at the clock beside the bed, “it's after ten” he points out, laughing when Liam shrugs, “it's Louis, and if things went according to his plan last night, they had a late night too” he reasons. Zayn narrows his eyes because it's obvious Liam isn't telling him something, but before he can ask Liam's shaking his head, “I'll let Harry tell you, not my place” he says and Zayn pouts but knows there's no point in pressing the issue.

Liam starts playing with Zayn's hair and Zayn melts into the touch instantly, a purr leaving his mouth, “how're you feeling this morning, love?” Liam asks, and Zayn looks up at him to see a worried look in his eyes, “I'm fine, a little sore, but otherwise fantastic” he answers honestly, before he bites his lip, he knows he should tell Liam the other reason he's been so hesitant, but he's worried Liam will get angry with him. “Hey, what's on your mind?” Liam asks fingers still tangled in his hair, and of course he knows there's something Zayn's not telling him. Zayn bites his lip and moves so he can see Liam's face before he takes a deep breath, “there's more to why I made you wait so long for, you know” Zayn mumbles, feeling his cheeks heating up. Liam's eyebrows furrow but he doesn't say anything so Zayn continues. “You remember I told you about my ex, Zack?” he asks, Liam tenses beside him and nods his head. Zayn bites his lip, “well, he used to force me to...have sex with him” he mumbles. “My first time with him, was my first time in general and I wasn't ready, but he wanted to, so he forced himself on me. After that he just did it whenever he wanted no matter what I said or did. Eventually Harry helped me break it off with him, and well you already know I didn't really date anyone else between him and you” he explains, tears burning in his eyes, as he finishes. Zayn looks away from Liam too ashamed to meet his gaze after his confession and waits, as the room has fallen into a tense silence.

“I'll kill him “ Liam growls after a moment and Zayn frowns, he's not sure what he was expecting but this wasn't it. “Liam it's been over three years, I don't even know where he is anymore” Zayn soothes, but Liam shakes his head, “that doesn't matter, he hurt you, I'll kill him if I ever find him” he growls. Zayn bites his lip, before sliding up to kiss Liam's tense jaw, Liam relaxes slightly and Zayn grins and continues to press kisses along his jaw and down his neck, Liam groans and reaches down to pull Zayn away. “Zayn babe, what are you doing?” Liam asks and Zayn shrugs, “you're tense, I'm trying to help you relax” he murmurs, Liam shakes his head, “I'm fine, babe. I just can't believe everything you've been through sometimes” he whispers, carding his fingers through Zayn's hair. Zayn leans into the touch, he can't help himself, not really, “everybody's got a story that will break your heart” Zayn murmurs and Liam laughs, “are you quoting Amanda Marshall, at me?” he asks, and Zayn grins, “ok, yes, but it's a good point” he says. Zayn watches as Liam's eyes soften, and he leans more into Liam's hand which is still in his hair, “but Zee, you seem to have several stories that will break my heart, it's not fair” Liam mumbles. Zayn shrugs, because he's never really thought about it, if he's honest, he's just pushed through everything and eventually manages to come out the other side.

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