Chapter Fifty Seven

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Chapter Fifty Seven – Zayn

Zayn chews on his lip as he watches Liam from the corner of the stage, he's nervous and he knows why, tonight Liam is planning to introduce him to the world on stage as his boyfriend. So far Eleanor seems to have no clue about the plan and they all intend to keep it that way. Louis has just run off to make himself some tea, telling Zayn to just text him if he needs him before he comes back, Zayn had rolled his eyes, because he's perfectly capable of standing in a secluded area by himself for ten minutes.

He feels the presence before he actually sees who it is, but he feels a sudden chill and turns to find himself face to face with Eleanor, her lips are curled into an unattractive snarl, and Zayn's pretty sure if looks could kill he'd be dead by now. “Zack, we're about to have a problem” she states and Zayn's eyebrows furrow, “my name's Zayn, and what kind of problem are you talking about?” he asks. Eleanor laughs although it's not a happy sound, “quite frankly I don't care what your name is, and the problem is, someone has told me that, you and the idiot on stage plan on coming out to the public with your relationship. And I can't allow that” she explains, eyeing Zayn seriously. “Liam's not an idiot, and it's his life, his career if he wants to come out to his fans there's not much you can do about it” Zayn exclaims, a strong urge to defend Liam bubbling up inside him. Eleanor scoffs, “not much to him maybe, but I already made sure you were jobless once, and I can continue to silently ruin your life from behind the scenes if you don't do what I say” she spits.

Zayn's jaw drops and he can feel the beginnings of panic rolling inside of him, he knew there was something odd about the way he lost his job, but he never imagined that Eleanor had been responsible for it. “You, how, what did you do?” he wheezes and Eleanor laughs, “I made a few calls, offered some cash and little Zaynie is unemployed” she teases. Zayn bites his lip hard, he refuses to cry in front of her, refuses to give her the satisfaction of knowing how much she's hurt him, he wishes Louis were back, or Perrie was around, but mostly he wishes Liam was beside him, not on stage. But he's not due for a intermission for another ten minutes and Zayn also knows Eleanor planned this attack carefully so she'll be gone by the time Liam gets to Zayn. “Why?” Zayn manages to choke out and Eleanor grins, “because you were getting in the way, and I could” she answers, as Zayn shakes his head.

“Get away from him” Louis calls suddenly and both Zayn and Eleanor snap their heads in his direction, “oh, Louis, when did you get here?” Eleanor asks innocently as Zayn can't help but look relieved. Louis glares at the woman, “long enough to hear about what you did to Zayn” he smirks, and Zayn notices Eleanor pale slightly, almost as though Louis makes her nervous, “so, it's your word against mine” she snaps and Louis rolls his eyes, “oh, you don't get it, who do you think Liam's going to believe? You, who he barely tolerates, or me his best friend since preschool and his boyfriend?” Louis snaps, making his way around Eleanor to stand next to Zayn, Zayn is instantly grateful Louis showed up, and leans into the other boy just slightly. “Eleanor narrows her eyes on both of them, but Louis holds up a hand to stop whatever she was going to say “Liam and Zayn are doing this, and once we talk to Liam, I'm pretty sure you'll be out of a job, so I suggest you just stay out of the way” Louis whispers. Eleanor glares at him before making a frustrated noise and stalking away her heels clicking against the floor as she goes.

Zayn starts to shake as soon as she's out of sight and Louis turns to him worriedly, “hey, don't let her win like this, you're ok” Louis soothes. Zayn shakes his head, and attempts a smile “I can't, Lou” he whines. Louis frowns and pulls Zayn into his arms, it's not even close to Liam's hugs, or the same as Harry or Niall's but it's comforting and Zayn melts into him. “You and Liam are going through with the plan, and once everything's out in the open Liam will be able to be with you all the time. Everyone else here is going to make sure you two don't get interrupted by you know who, and by the time you go to bed, everyone will know that you're Liam's boyfriend, alright?” Louis soothes and Zayn nods slowly, pulling himself out of Louis' arms, “thanks Lou” he mumbles and Louis chuckles “hey, it's what I'm here for. Now are you good, or do I need to call Harry for you?” he asks, Zayn shakes his head, “no I'll be ok, I just need this to be done I think, I'll talk to Haz later” he mumbles, Louis nods “alright” he murmurs before both turn their attention back to the man on stage.

Liam runs towards Zayn ten minutes later, sweat dripping from his hair, and his face and making his already tight shirt cling to him, in a way that makes Zayn's mind wander. “You ok?” Liam asks concerned, as soon as he's close enough to them, Zayn shakes his head, “don't worry about it, we'll explain later” he murmurs, before he wraps Liam in a sweaty hug, “alright, I need to change, give me a second” Liam chuckles unwinding, Zayn's arms from around his waist, Zayn pouts he wants Liam to stay with him, but it's gone fairly quickly as Liam drops his jeans down and pulls his t-shirt off of his torso, leaving him in only his boxers. Zayn unconsciously licks his lips as someone hands Liam a new pair of jeans and shirt, Liam turns to him with a smirk once he pulls the shirt down, “like what you see?” he teases. Zayn nods unable to form a coherent thought other than, Liam, Liam, shirtless, Liam. Liam laughs and quickly presses a kiss to Zayn's cheek before running back out onto stage, Zayn misses him as soon as he's gone and turns to face Louis with a pout, “how long?” he asks quietly. Louis laughs and looks at his phone about forty five minutes, until you go out there with him, and then fifteen minutes until he's done the show, why?” he asks, with a knowing smirk. Zayn just shakes his head refusing to give him an answer.

The time is flying by and Zayn is suddenly unable to remember how to breath, or move or talk, he knows that very soon Liam will be bringing him out on stage and they're going to tell the world about them. Zayn just noticed Perrie disappearing into the crowd to film what they're about to do, so they can upload it to the internet so everyone, not just those in attendance will see it. Louis is suddenly pressing a phone into his hand and Zayn gives him a confused look, “it's Harry just say hello” Louis mumbles, as Zayn wraps his hand around the thin device. “Hello...” he croaks, “hey, Zayn! I know you're probably freaking out right now, but remember this is what both of you want” Harry reassures through the phone. Zayn frowns and bites his lip, “but Harry, what if everyone hates me?” he asks quietly, not missing the way Louis snorts “Zee, no one is going to hate you, and if they do, it's just because they're jealous, and you aren't going to pay it any mind, alright?” Harry explains. Zayn sighs “you're sure?” he asks and Harry chuckles “absolutely, “have I ever lied to you before?” he asks. Zayn pauses because the answer is no, Harry has never lied to Zayn not once in their entire friendship, “no” he mumbles finally, “that's right, so you're going to go out there and show the world who Liam is really with, and then you two can call Niall and I later, alright?” Harry says softly. “Yea, thanks Haz, I love you, and wish you were here too” Zayn mumbles “I love you too Zee, and you'll be fine. Now give me back to Lou” Harry chuckles. Zayn frowns and hands the phone back to Louis who takes it with a grin before wandering away a little so he can talk to Harry.

Zayn feels a little better after talking to Harry and makes a mental note to thank Louis later, but right now he's keeping his focus completely on the stage where Liam is finishing the last song before he takes another small break to change, and brings Zayn back out with him. “You ready for this?” Liam asks gently as he changes from his sweaty t-shirt into a button up shirt, Zayn shrugs and crowds into Liam's space “as I'm gonna be” he mumbles. Liam half smiles and presses a gentle kiss to Zayn's lips, “we'll be fine, and at least we'll be together, yeah?” he murmurs, Zayn nods slowly and burrows into Liam's side. Zayn's head snaps up as he hears Jon playing the intro for the next song before Sandy and Dan join in, Josh joins in on the drums a moment later and Liam looks at Zayn, “it's now or never” he murmurs. Zayn nods slowly and let's Liam pull away from him, “you remember your cue?” he asks, and Zayn rolls his eyes. “Yes Liam, I know when to come out, it's right after you say my name” Zayn grumbles and Liam laughs lightly, “alright, alright I'm sorry, I'll see you out there” he winks and runs out onto the stage mic gripped tightly in his good hand as he does. He starts singing and Zayn takes a deep breath, “here we go” he mumbles under his breath leaning against the wall, to wait for Liam to call him out to him.

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