Chapter Sixty Two

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Chapter Sixty Two – Liam

Liam shakes his head as he walks through the bus, Zayn is flopped face down across the couch and is laying there with one arm hanging off the side, Louis is flopped on top of Zayn and although the raven haired man on the bottom protested slightly, he didn't protest it for long. “So you're just going to lay there?” Liam asks as he drags his suitcase towards the bunks, Zayn nods against the couch, “yup” he answers voice muffled by the cushions, “and you?” Liam asks arching an eyebrow at Louis, who chuckles “not my fault your boyfriend is comfortable, and taking up all the space” he teases. Zayn makes a muffled noise of protest, but doesn't move to get Louis off, “alright then” Liam sighs, shaking his head at his boyfriend and best friend fondly, as he continues towards the bunks to store his bag. Liam quickly shoves the bags in his hands under the bottom bunk before returning to the common area, and Zayn. He furrows his eyebrows as he approaches and sees Zayn has fallen asleep, he couldn't have been gone for more than thirty seconds, a minute at most “is he...?” he asks trailing off, and Louis chuckles before sitting up still on top of Zayn, “yes he is. Have you had him tested for narcolepsy? No one should be able to fall asleep that quickly” he teases. Liam bites his lip before rolling his eyes at Louis, “he's not a narcoleptic, he can just fall asleep, literally anywhere” Liam defends, gazing fondly down at Zayn where his hair is now falling into his eyes.

Louis snorts and shakes his head, shifting around on Zayn to pull his phone out, “I'll ask Harry to have him tested then, I'm seriously concerned about this Payne” he grumbles and Liam rolls his eyes fondly. “Lou, get off my boyfriend, and don't even think about it. Zayn isn't narcoleptic, and this conversation is over” Liam groans, Louis sighs before pushing himself up and moving to sit at the table instead of on top of Zayn. Liam shakes his head, and follows after Louis, after pressing a kiss to the sleeping Zayn's cheek, “so I need to talk to you about something” Liam murmurs, looking up at Louis. The older furrows his eyebrows and gestures for Liam to continue, “so you know how I fired Eleanor, well I need someone to take over her duties, and I was hoping you would be willing to do it? I know you've been doing her job for the past six months anyways, so...” Liam trails off. Louis shakes his head and chuckles slightly, “do I get a raise?” he teases and Liam rolls his eyes, “yes you big idiot, you get a raise” he grumbles, Louis grins, “and I get to boss you around?” he asks. Liam sighs but nods his head, “technically, yes, but” Liam starts but Louis cuts him off, “I'll do it” he crows. Liam shakes his head, “some days I hate you” he grumbles and Louis chuckles “no you don't you love me” he coos, and Liam groans but Louis' phone ringing cuts off anything he was about to say.

Zayn mumbles something from the couch, and Liam coos as he turns his attention to his sleeping boyfriend, only half hearing Louis on the phone “no Haz, I'm serious I think Zayn's got narcolepsy, one minute he was awake, and the next he was completely asleep” he exclaims, and Liam rolls his eyes. “I thought I told you to drop that” Liam grumbles as Louis chuckles, pulling his phone away from his ear, “Harry is apparently on your side” he pouts before disappearing towards the bunks his phone back to his ear. Liam rolls his eyes at his best friend again, before moving towards the couch and Zayn, he carefully lifts Zayn's head up enough that he can slip himself under the sleeping boy, and rests his head back into his lap. Zayn mumbles something about dragons, that makes Liam furrows his eyebrows in confusion, but doesn't otherwise stir at being moved.

Liam starts carding his fingers through Zayn's hair absently as he thinks about everything that's happened in the past few days, from the leaked picture, all the way to him firing Eleanor the night before. Zayn stirs under his touch before blinking his eyes open and staring sleepily up at Liam, “hey, how long was I asleep?” he asks Liam smiles “not long, although Louis wants us to get you tested for narcolepsy” he chuckles. Zayn moves to sit up but Liam pouts and holds him down so he stays laying with his head in his lap, “m'not, my mum had me tested for it when I was a kid, just fall asleep easily” Zayn mumbles and Liam laughs loudly. “That is what I told Louis, but you know how he is” Liam chuckles and Zayn nods, “but it's nice that he was worried” he shrugs. Liam chuckles his fingers carding through Zayn's hair for a few more seconds before he speaks, “when do you have to be back?” Liam asks quietly, although if he has his way Zayn won't ever go back, he can just stay on the tour with him until it ends. Zayn hums before turning so he can look at Liam better “I don't know, but I should go soon, I still need to find another job” Zayn murmurs and Liam pouts, “what if I told you I don't want you to go?” he asks. Zayn bites his lip as he thinks about it “I don't want to go Li, but I need to at least find something else to do for work” he mumbles. Liam groans and leans down capturing Zayn's lips in a kiss that quickly turns heated, as Zayn moves so he's straddling Liam's lap, to deepen the kiss.

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