Chapter Fifty Two

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Chapter Fifty Two – Liam

Liam sighs a pout crossing his face as he tries to Skype Zayn for the third time with no answer. He's been trying since he got back to his hotel, and for some reason no one is answering and he's getting worried. He briefly wonders if he's done something to upset Zayn, to make him want to avoid him, but he can't think of anything. He's been calling and Skyping more than once a day in the week and a half since Zayn went back home, and there hasn't been any of the threatened kissing with Lexie either so Liam is confused. He groans as he ends the call again, and he's just getting ready to hit the button again when there's a loud knock on his hotel room door, sighing he gets up and swings the door open only to be almost knocked over by Louis charging through it. “Have you seen this?” Louis practically shouts waving his phone around frantically, Liam just blinks at him slowly, “your phone? Yea I've seen it before” he says confused. Louis huffs, “no not my phone you twat, this” he exclaims thrusting his phone into Liam's face, on it is a picture someone has posted to twitter, and the caption along with it is “just friends?” Liam's face pales it's a picture of him and Zayn from down at the beach, and Zayn is very clearly straddling his waist and leaning in for a kiss.

“I-I what? Louis this is a joke right? Tell me this is a joke” Liam demands frantically his good hand coming up to grip at Louis' t-shirt. Louis frowns and gently pries his fingers from the shirt, “'m'fraid not Payno” he murmurs, and Liam's entire face drops and he sinks onto his bed slowly. Louis moves quickly typing something on his phone, that Liam is only vaguely curious about, before pocketing his phone and moving to sit beside Liam on the bed, his arms wrapping around Liam from the side. “I know this looks bad, Li. But there are worse things, I can go for the photoshopped angle again, or...” he trails off, his fingers brushing through Liam's hair. Liam makes a noise he doesn't even recognize, “Zayn?” he croaks and Louis looks at him confused “what about Zayn?” he asks, Liam whines “does Zayn know” he clarifies and Louis frowns “depends if he's been on the internet, I figured you'd be on Skype with him, why aren't you?” Louis asks clearly just noticing the fact that Liam isn't on Skype. Liam sighs “he won't answer and I'm getting worried, do you think he's seen it? Do you think he's mad at me?” he mumbles just as his Skype ring tone sounds through the room.

Liam hesitates for a second before rolling backwards to grab his laptop, only hitting his casted arm twice, he quickly presses accept forcing a smile as Zayn's face appears on his screen. “Hey, sorry I was asleep on the couch, and didn't hear my computer, how was your show?” Zayn asks all in one breath, “it was good babe and don't worry about it” Liam replies quietly.”I got your gift today” Zayn says shyly and Liam hums in response, as Louis moves around behind him a little “ I in trouble?” he asks sheepishly and Zayn laughs. “No I was shocked but I really love it, but no more surprises for no reason, ok?” Zayn asks Liam chuckles and nods “alright babe” he murmurs just as Louis kicks him hard in the shin. “OW” Liam exclaims reaching down to rub at his sore leg, Zayn's eyebrows furrow “you ok?” he asks concerned “yea I'm fine, Louis just kicked me” Liam explains, and Zayn nods, “why's Louis there?” he asks confused. Liam bites his lip, “he came to show me something actually, something you need to see” he explains as Louis tosses his phone gently to Liam the picture still pulled up.

Liam hesitates because he's still unsure of what this all means for him, and for Zayn, he's pretty sure that once Eleanor finds out they're both going to be dead, and he really wants to keep Zayn alive. “Liam just show me” Zayn soothes and Liam sighs, taking a deep breath and turning the phone so the image can be seen on the camera of his laptop. Liam's still confused as to how the picture even got taken and why it took close to two weeks to come out, they were so careful on their date, and he knows he never saw anyone with a camera, not at the beach anyways. Zayn's quiet and Liam can see him taking in the picture, “it's fake right? It has to be fake” he mumbles but Liam shakes his head, “it's too good quality to be fake, Zayn. But I can try that angle” Louis answers from behind the camera. Liam shakes his head, “I-I'm sorry Zayn, I really am baby. This is going to be a nightmare for you” he pleads but Zayn shakes his head reaching out as if he wants to caress Liam's face, and Liam really wishes he could right now. “Don't be sorry, you didn't know and remember I'm already out, and no one cares about me, not really anyways. I'm more worried about what this all means for you” Zayn soothes, hand dropping back to his side. Liam notices Louis reach around and grab his phone back before quietly leaving the room, so he can be alone with Zayn, which Liam is grateful for.

“Eleanor is going to lose her shit” Liam warns but Zayn shakes his head “I don't care, I can handle myself I'm a big boy. It's you I'm worried about” he murmurs. Liam sighs “me too, I don't know what to do Zayn? Do I keep lying to my fans? Or do I take this as a sign and just come clean?” he asks. Zayn frowns “you know I can't decide that for you, but I do know that whatever you do decide, I will be right there with you every step of the way” he assures. Liam groans, “why can't this just be easy?” he whines and Zayn chuckles. “Because Li, if everything were easy, no one would actually try at life, and everything would be very boring” Zayn smirks and Liam groans again “I wish you were here” he sighs. Zayn frowns “I wish I was too” he answers quietly. They're both quiet for a minute and Liam takes a moment to just drink Zayn in, he wonders how he got so lucky, not for the first time, and wants so badly to tell him that he loves him. Liam's more sure of it than he's ever been of anything else that he loves Zayn, but he can't tell him through a computer screen it has to be in person. “Liam...” Zayn calls snapping him out of his thoughts “wha?” he asks and Zayn laughs “I said what are you thinking about?” he teases and Liam shrugs “you mostly, and what I'm going to do about this shit storm I created” he answers. Zayn shakes his head, “not you...we created this shit storm and I'm not going anywhere. No matter what the Wicked Witch throws at me” he says. Liam grins “how did I get to be so lucky?” he murmurs and Zayn shrugs blushing “I'm the lucky one. So what are you going to do?” he asks quietly and Liam shrugs.

Liam doesn't say anything for a few minutes and Zayn isn't talking either which Liam is thankful for, he needs a minute to gather his chaotic thoughts. He wants to tell his fans he really does but he's still scared, and he's not sure what this all means for him and Zayn. He keeps changing his mind, wanting to call Louis and tell him to work his personal assistant magic, and make this all go away, but a larger part of him really just wants to come clean. He thinks it's time he was open and honest with his fans, completely, this is the only thing that he's ever not been one hundred percent honest with them about, and most of them have figured it out anyways. He's worried about what this means for Lexie and Sandy as well, what Eleanor will do to them in the wake of all this mess. When Liam looks back up at his screen he almost laughs Zayn is sat cross legged in front of his laptop with his sketchbook flipped open, and drawing away furiously. Liam feels a pang of guilt they've been waiting to talk all day, and now he's practically ignoring Zayn as he works out what's going to happen after this picture goes further than it already has.

“What you drawing babe?” Liam asks and Zayn bites his lip “you, actually. You looked so beautiful deep in thought, and I knew you needed a minute so I just started to draw you” he replies with a light blush. Liam chuckles “can I see it?” he asks quietly, desperate for a distraction, “it's not done yet, but I guess” Zayn shrugs and slowly flips the book around so Liam can see. Liam is speechless he knows Zayn is good at drawing and painting but this is unreal, the sketch is just what Zayn said it was, it's Liam the way he must have looked through the screen to Zayn. The drawing although incomplete is beautiful, and Liam thinks not for the first time, that Zayn's work belongs in an art gallery somewhere. He makes a mental note to do some research and make some calls, when his head isn't so full with other things. “Zayn that's beautiful” he murmurs, watching as Zayn blushes “it's not even done yet” he murmurs and Liam shakes his head, “but it's still amazing just like you” he breathes. “Damn I miss you” Zayn murmurs in response and Liam shakes his head “I miss you more” he mumbles.

“I hate to ask this Li, but what are you gonna do?” Zayn asks a few minutes later, and Liam sighs “honestly I still don't know” he murmurs, and Zayn frowns. “I know this isn't easy, but everyone will be there for you,” he mumbles and Liam nods, seemingly making up his mind in that moment. “Zayn, please, pack a bag again, I'm flying you back to me, because I need you beside me, while I do this. I'm going to do it, I'm going to come out to everyone. I don't care about what Eleanor and management say I need to do this for me...for us” Liam says quickly before he can change his mind. He watches as Zayn's jaw drops, “you're sure?” he asks and Liam nods his head in response, “just please say you'll do this with me” Liam pleads, Zayn chews his lip for a minute before nodding “alright, yea I guess” he mumbles. Liam smiles a real smile for the first time all night thinking that maybe everything will actually turn out alright for once.

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