Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty – Liam

Liam’s annoyed, and tired as he chucks his phone across the dressing room, Zayn has been working nonstop the past three days and is never available when Liam has time to call, he understands, really he does but he misses his boyfriend and wants to talk to him. Eleanor has been controlling his every move in what little spare time he usually has in each city, telling him and Lexie to “make it believable” often pulling Lexie aside to threaten Sandy’s job, if they don’t do it right, as far as she’s concerned. There’s only an hour left until the show starts, so Liam’s in his dressing room alone, the band are off in their own dressing room, probably napping if Liam had to guess, and Louis wandered off a few minutes ago in search of ice cream. Lexie’s girlfriend Anna had called her, so she too had left Liam, he’s about to throw something else when his phone starts ringing from under the table where it landed when he threw it, it’s Zayn’s ringtone so he dives to grab it before it goes to voicemail, as this may be the only chance he has to talk to the boy. “Hello…?” he pants into the phone and hears Zayn chuckle “Bad time?” Zayn asks and Liam shakes his head “no never a bad time for you” he answers and hears a door shut on the other side of the phone, “good, I’ve only got a few minutes though” Zayn sighs “sorry I’ve been so busy Mr. Jackson is being a real pain” Zayn mutters. Liam chuckles “it’s fine, it’s not like I’m not busy too, why’s he being a pain?” he asks and Zayn sighs again. “He’s never usually here and when he is, he’s in the office, but lately he’s always around and always underfoot” Zayn groans and Liam smiles at his irritation, “aww I’m sorry babe, but just think another week and a half and you’ll be here with me” he soothes. “I know, it’s the only thing getting me through every day, to be honest” Zayn sighs. Liam hears the door opening again on Zayn’s side of the phone and frowns when he hears a deep voice in the background, “get Malik back on the floor in five seconds, or he’s fired” the voice booms, “Zee who’s that?” Liam asks slowly. “Mr. Jackson, I gotta go, I don’t think Harry and James can stall him any longer. I miss you, talk to you later?” Zayn rushes. Liam frowns not wanting to say goodbye “I miss you too, and yea I’ll try to call you after the show tonight, say hi to the others for me” Liam breathes. Zayn sighs on the phone “bye Liam” he murmurs before the call disconnects.

Liam groans tossing his phone once again, just as the door to his dressing room opens and Lou Teasdale walks in slowly, holding Lux in her arms. The toddler squeals when she sees Liam reaching out for him “LILI” she calls as she finally squirms out of her mother’s arms and runs to Liam. Liam catches the two and a half year old and hugs her tightly “hey Luxie, how’s my favourite girl?” he coos and she giggles pressing a sloppy kiss to his cheek. Lou smiles as she unpacks her hair and makeup supplies, while Lux continues to babble on about the new doll she just got. Lou looks over at Liam and furrows her brows, “everything ok Liam?” she asks gently and he shrugs, before shaking his head, “not really, it’s all this Zayn, Lexie, hide who I really am business, its stressing me out” he sighs getting up and heading to where Lou has set up her stuff and flopping into the chair. Lou smiles at him as Lux busies herself with some toys on the floor, “aww Liam, it will all be ok once he’s here, yea?” she soothes and Liam nods, “I hope so” he murmurs, before falling silent so Lou can quickly do his hair and makeup.

She finishes in record time and Louis is coming back in holding three ice creams, he hands one to Liam, and another to Lux who’s eyes light up as she takes it, “thanks Lou-Lou” she grins before diving into the frozen treat, “yea thanks Lou-Lou” Lou says sarcastically, pushing Louis’ shoulder and ushering Lux out of the room, to go double check the band members’ hair. Louis chuckles as they leave and flops onto the couch as Liam shuts the door, tempted to lock it so no one can bother him, he’s only got about thirty minutes until show time and he wants to spend it in peace. He’s just sat beside Louis when there’s a knock on the door and a young guy wearing a headset sticks his head in the room, “twenty minutes Liam” he says, before backing out into the hallway again. Liam groans and leans against Louis as they both eat their ice cream, “I’ve decided I don’t wanna Louis” he whines and Louis chuckles “relax, you love it really, and soon Zayn will be here too and everything will be fine” he murmurs and Liam makes a face. They fall into a comfortable silence then and stay that way until the same guy has come back and is telling Liam it’s time to move backstage. With only five minutes until he takes the stage is when the nerves always kick in and Liam loves this feeling, he’s surrounded by his band, Louis, Lou and a few others that he’s close with on his team. Liam can feel his heart rate rising, as he hears the screaming of the girls in the crowd, and he starts jumping on the spot to alleviate his nerves. Their chanting and wishing each other luck, and a good show, and before he can think Louis is thrusting a microphone into his hand and he’s being pushed towards where he runs on stage from.

Liam gets lost in the performance and all too soon he’s saying goodnight and running off stage, handing his microphone to the first person he sees and taking the towel Lou offers him. He’s wiping the dripping sweat off his face, and pulling off the sweat soaked t shirt he did the last set in. He tosses it at Louis with a smirk before running into his dressing room and locking the door before Louis can get his revenge. He laughs as he hears his best friend slam into the locked door, followed by a muffled curse, “I’ll get in their Liam just you wait” Louis calls before disappearing, it’s quiet after that and Liam shakes his head, pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge in the dressing room and taking a long swig. He’s just pulling on a new shirt, figuring he can shower at the hotel when there’s a knock on the door, “I’m not letting you in Louis” he calls, “it’s um, it’s not Louis” Lexie’s voice sounds through the wood, “oh hey, just a second” he calls back before unlocking the door and pulling it open. He sees Lexie first, but spots Louis a second too late and gets a face full of water spat directly from Louis’ mouth, wiping his face he glares at both of them, “ugh Lou, gross” he whines as his best friend cackles and Lexie giggles, and both come into the room flopping on his couch. Liam shakes his head at Lexie, “and I thought we were friends” he pouts turning his back on both of them. Louis just laughs, and Liam knows he knows he’s not really upset and will be over it in a matter of minutes, Lexie lets out a slight whimper, “I’m sorry Liam, really I am, he made me do it” she pleads. Liam turns back around grinning, “It’s cool, I’m not really upset” he shrugs, flopping down between the two with a grin.

They were sitting in silence until both Louis and Lexie’s phone’s start ringing, Liam makes a face at Louis as his is playing the theme from The Exorcist, “what, it’s Eleanor” he says by way of explanation. Lexie bursts out laughing at this, “that’s who texted me too” she giggles and Liam rolls his eyes, “well what does she want?” he asks. Louis glares at his phone as does Lexie, “you two, to exit the building holding hands, in five minutes” Louis grumbles. Lexie smiles slightly at Liam as he groans and starts gathering his few things, stuffing them into his backpack “show time” he murmurs before exiting the room, followed by Lexie and Louis, each still glaring at their phone. Louis grabs his arm and stops him from walking, “just a heads up Li, Eleanor hired Paps to be there and take pictures of you two together, this ‘relationship’ will be in all the papers by morning” he says, putting air quotes around relationship. Liam frowns, and shrugs “it was going to happen sooner or later, I’ll call Zayn when we get to the hotel, give him a warning. Thanks Lou, for, for everything” Liam murmurs giving him a quick hug, which the other returns, “you’re a sap, but you’re welcome” he mutters, as they start walking again. Liam catches up to Lexie by the doors and gives her a look, they’ve been out and about a few times together the past three days, but this will be the first time they are “caught” on camera, “you ready for this?” he asks and she shrugs, “no, but let’s do it” she mutters, grabbing onto Liam’s hand. He chuckles and squeezes her hand gently, taking a deep breath as Jim and Alec appear as if from nowhere, flanking the three of them as they step into the dark parking lot.

The flashes are blinding, but not unfamiliar to Liam, he sees Louis raising his hand to shield his eyes, Lexie doing the same, her grip in Liam’s hand tightening just slightly, he acts instinctively and shields her from the lights with his body, as Jim and Alec yell at the photographers to keep back. The telltale shrieking indicates that a few fans are still here as well and Liam feels bad that he can’t stop, and won’t be able to sign something for them and take a picture. He scans the area trying to spot the girls, but can’t see them through the sea of lights, they’re almost to the car now and he can feel Lexie shaking behind him, her grip iron like on his hand, he turns slightly to face her, “we’re almost there, hang on” he murmurs and sees her nod. They reach the car and Liam steps back ushering Lexie in first, before letting Louis climb in and finally climbing in himself, Alec slams the door and he hears the tapping on the roof that tells Sebastien that its clear to drive a moment later, and as they pull through the crowd of people Liam can’t help but dread what everyone’s going to be saying about this in the morning. Louis smiles and rests a reassuring hand on his arm, Liam returns the look but can’t help feeling that something is going horribly wrong. 

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