Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight – Liam

Liam sighs and sits on the edge of the stage as Tony his choreographer goes off on him for the hundredth time today, he really doesn’t care that he’s of beat, wants to go back to his hotel room and call Zayn again, maybe even Skype him. But knows it’s not a possibility, Louis got a text from Eleanor telling them to all stay at the venue until she gets there, which from past experience is never a good thing, ever. He feels the presence beside him, before he looks over to see who has come to sit with him while Tony rages on, he’s expecting Louis, maybe Josh or Sandy, so he’s surprised when he sees the petite blonde Perrie Edwards sitting beside him. Liam smiles slightly at her and rolls his eyes and she giggles quietly nodding in understanding, “why you so distracted Liam? You’re not usually this unfocused in rehearsals” she murmurs nudging him with her shoulder slightly. Liam shrugs and makes a noncommittal noise which makes Perrie furrow her eyebrows and shake her head, “nope there’s something, this has something to do with that mystery boy, doesn’t it?” she asks quietly, smiling fakely as Tony turns to glare at them, once he’s stormed away again still yelling about Liam’s lack of focus, he looks at Perrie and nods slightly, she grins, “want to talk about it?” she asks, and he nods again. Perrie just waits after that, leaning back on her hands and blowing her hair out of her eyes, Liam appreciates this and takes a second to get his thoughts in order, he’s always liked the girls of Little Mix, and him and Perrie did get very close on the last leg of the tour, he knows he can trust her.

Liam takes a deep breath and plays with his fingers, “mystery boy’s name is Zayn, and he’s kind of my boyfriend” he mumbles, he doesn’t miss the way Perrie’s eyes seem to light up and she leans slightly closer to him, “you miss him?” she asks and Liam nods “of course, but that’s not the main problem” he sighs. Perrie furrows her eyebrows again “well you know how they feel about me being gay” he hisses and she nods sympathetically, “well, after all the suspicions and the few leaked pictures, they’re going to hire me a beard. From the sounds of it they were planning to regardless, and I just, I don’t like the idea. Zayn hates the idea, and I hate hiding who I really am” he finishes, picking at his fingernails again. Perrie opens her mouth to say something but snaps it closed as Tony approaches again, still ranting on about how Liam’s going to fall off stage if he doesn’t get the timing right. Perrie giggles at this, and Liam groans as Tony stomps off again, once he’s out of earshot Perrie speaks, “that explains what Jesy overheard Louis going on about one of us doing it instead. We couldn’t figure out what he was talking about” she mumbles and Liam laughs a little “yea, he was gonna try to talk Eleanor into using one of you guys, but from what he’s told me, she didn’t go for it” he sighs. Perrie wraps her arms around him in a gentle hug “I’m sorry Liam, I’d do it if they’d let me” she murmurs and he smiles gratefully at her hugging her back. “But as for yours and Zayn’s concerns make sure this chicky knows you are a taken man, and you are in no way interested in her. And just reassure Zayn that it’s him you have eyes for, and him you want to be with. It sucks but it will all work out” she says and Liam chuckles, actually feeling better about the situation “thanks Perrie” he murmurs and she giggles nodding “anytime, but I want to meet this Zayn, promise me” she teases and Liam rolls his eyes, “he’s coming out on tour in a couple weeks, I’m sure you’ll meet him then” he says before hopping to his feet and reaching down to pull Perrie to hers as well.

Perrie disappears backstage again after their chat, no doubt to fill her bandmates in on what Louis had been talking about. Liam has returned to learning the timing for the opening song, so he doesn’t fall off the stage, as Tony keeps yelling, although nothing’s changed since the last leg of the tour and he never fell off stage then. He sees the look on Josh’s face, before he sees them, he whirls around and understands the look of torment crossing his drummer’s features, walking up the aisle between the seats is Eleanor followed closely by two other members of his management whose names he’s never remembered, and behind them is a girl around his age with light brown hair. Liam knows this is her, knows without being introduced that this is the hired girlfriend and he feels bad but he instantly dislikes her. Eleanor and the girl climb onto stage and Louis is instantly by Liam’s side a glare on his features, as Sandy, Dan, Josh and Jon all fall in around him as well, each silently giving him their support, and he’s grateful for it, for them, and the friendships he’s built with each of them. He see’s movement out of the corner of his eye and bites back a laugh as Little Mix all appear as well, arms crossed and glaring at both Eleanor and the mystery girl.

Eleanor clears her throat and gestures for the girl to stay behind her, “Liam, how are rehearsals going?” she asks and he hears Louis growl behind him, “same as always” Liam reassures her although he knows she doesn’t actually care as long as she gets her paycheck every month. Eleanor nods and smiles a sickly sweet smile at him, “well as we discussed last night Liam, this is Lexie, I would suggest you get to know each other as you go public tomorrow” she explains, pulling the girl out from behind her and practically throwing her at Liam. Liam hears Louis muttering curses under his breath and faintly hears a few jinxes from Harry Potter and wonders idly if Louis actually thinks that will work, because one, he’s not holding a wand, and two, he’s not a wizard. Eleanor stalks off after that the other two goons in tow and Liam is left with his friends and a complete stranger, Tony has disappeared which means they are free to leave, but no one is moving, Liam allows his gaze to sweep over Lexie and he sees that she is almost in tears, standing before him. She’s biting her lip, and nervously picking her fingers and switching her weight from foot to foot. Her blue eyes are swimming with unshed tears and it hits Liam then that she doesn’t want to be here, doing this, any more than he wants her here. He feels someone tense behind him and looks to see Sandy with a murderous expression on his face, “Sandy? You alright?” he asks hesitantly and the bassist shakes his head, “how did she, I mean, you’re joking right?” he asks and Lexie shakes her head sadly. Louis lets out an exasperated sigh “oh for the love of, can someone tell me what the hell is happening?” he exclaims. Sandy lets out a breath, “Lexie is my sister, my baby sister” he mutters, and Liam instantly feels guilty.

No one speaks after that and Lexie allows the tears to actually fall down her cheeks, “Sandy, I’m sorry, you know I need the money” she says suddenly and Sandy shakes his head, “that’s not it Lex and you know it, what does she have on you?” he hisses and Lexie looks scared but doesn’t say anything. After that Sandy storms off, Josh, Dan and Jon on his heels, and Liam hears a door slamming moments later, he looks around and sees that Little Mix have all left as well, and now it is just him, Louis and Lexie standing on the stage, “Lou, give us a minute?” he asks turning to a stunned Louis, who nods muttering about more drama than a soap opera as he leaves. Liam turns his attention back to the girl who’s been hired to play his girlfriend, “you don’t want to be here, do you?” he asks bluntly and she shakes her head, no. Liam nods “what does Eleanor have on you, no offense but there are other ways to make money” he says and she sighs, “when Eleanor called to offer me the job I immediately refused, I don’t actually need the money, and I’m in a very happy and serious relationship. But she insisted, saying that I had to do it or she would fire Sandy and have him replaced. Personally I don’t care who you date, it doesn’t affect your singing so it shouldn’t matter. But I couldn’t let my brother lose his job, he loves working with you, being a professional musician has always been his dream” Lexie explains, practically hissing Eleanor’s name. Liam nods in understanding, “thank you, for everything you just said, I guess since neither one of us has a choice in this, we might as well try and enjoy ourselves” he suggests and Lexie nods.

“Tell me about your boyfriend?” Liam asks and Lexie blushes, biting her lip, “um girlfriend actually” she mumbles and Liam chuckles “sorry, I didn’t mean to assume” he apologizes and Lexie waves him off. “it’s fine, but her name is Anna and she’s just, well she’s perfect” she sighs and Liam smiles, completely understanding. Lexie eyes him “so what about you, tell me about your boyfriend?” she challenges and Liam smiles as thoughts of Zayn fill his mind, “his name is Zayn, and he’s everything I’ve ever looked for in a partner” he answers and Lexie nods. Liam smiles as he sees Louis lurking behind Lexie, “oh Lou, just come out here” he calls and Louis bounds over, but at least has the decency to look ashamed. Lexie smiles worriedly at him and Louis chuckles, “I may have overheard everything, don’t worry, we’ll help you patch things up with your brother” he says, pulling the unsuspecting girl into a hug. “Alright so no offense but I don’t really want to kiss you unless I absolutely have to, and maybe we can keep contact to a minimum until I can ease Zayn into this more” Liam blurts out suddenly and Lexie and Louis both laugh “fine with me, and no offense taken, Anna’s not to thrilled with this either” Lexie shrugs and Liam sighs in relief, maybe this won’t be so terrible after all.   

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