Chapter Fifty Five

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Chapter Fifty Five – Zayn

Zayn sighs as he knocks on Perrie's hotel room door, he had to go down a floor to get to it, his sketchbook clutched tightly in his free hand. The door opens and before Zayn can think or process he's being pulled into a tight, fruity smelling hug, he instantly wraps his arms around her petite frame, pulling the slim girl closer to his chest. Perrie pulls away after a minute and eyes him skeptically “you look like Hell” she smirks and he rolls his eyes “thanks” he groans and she giggles before grabbing him by the wrist and tugging him into the room. Zayn looks around, her room isn't nearly as big as Liam's suite is, and only has the one room apart from the bathroom, there's clothes, shoes and make up everywhere and Zayn frowns as he looks for a place to sit. Jesy is sprawled across the bed, and Jade is sitting upside down on the couch, with her hair hanging down to the floor, he doesn't see Leigh-Anne but assumes she's somewhere in the room. “Zayn's here” Perrie calls and Jesy groans, “oh thanks, because I didn't see him” she teases as Perrie sticks out her tongue, Jade flips herself off of the couch and runs at Zayn, wrapping her arms around him in a hug, “Zack, we've missed you” she says dramatically with a wink, making Zayn roll his eyes at her.

He's just sat down when Leigh-Anne saunters out of the bathroom, “oh hey Zayn” she says sitting beside Jesy on Perrie's bed. “So what are we doing?” Zayn asks after a moment and all four girls shrug, “probably not much” Jesy answers and Zayn nods, “we could watch a movie” Leigh-Anne offers. Everyone agrees quickly before Perrie turns on the TV and begins scrolling through all the available movies, Zayn opens his sketchbook to a blank page and begins to quickly sketch Jesy the way she's sprawled across the bed. He's just getting into it when Perrie elbows him, “you aren't even gonna pay attention are you?” she asks him and he notices for the first time the opening to one of the Harry Potter's is playing. He blushes and shakes his head, “no, I'm gonna draw, is that ok?” he asks quietly and she giggles before nodding her head, “of course it's ok, but you and I are gonna talk later, got it?” she asks and he nods his head, knowing Perrie won't let him out of it.

Zayn's finished drawing Jesy and has moved onto drawing Perrie, which has proven more difficult given the fact that she's sitting directly beside him, not across the room. He's just finished drawing her mouth when she turns to look at him, he bites his lip as he motions for her to turn back to the screen so he can finish, she playfully rolls her eyes at him but moves so she's sitting the way she was previously. Zayn grins and quickly goes back to drawing her, making sure to capture her just right, he's not used to drawing with so many people around but it's been like therapy for him the past few days and he can't make himself stop drawing everyone and everything around him.

Zayn finishes drawing Perrie as the credits start to roll and he wants to draw Jade, but Leigh-Anne jumps up and pulls Jesy to her feet as well, “I'm hungry, let's go get some food” she whines. Jade instantly agrees jumping to her feet and running towards the door Jesy and Leigh-Anne close behind, “you coming?” Jesy asks, cocking her head to look at Perrie and Zayn. Perrie shakes her head, her blonde hair getting stuck in her lip gloss as she does so, “Zayn and I are gonna stay here” she grins and Zayn knows it's so they can talk like she insisted earlier, “suit yourselves” Jade chimes before the three girls leave the room and Zayn and Perrie are alone.

Perrie rounds on Zayn as soon as the door to the room clicks shut, “so tell me, how are you, really?” she asks arching a perfectly plucked eyebrow, Zayn sighs and gently tosses his sketchbook onto the nearby coffee table, where it lands with a soft thud. He looks around the room, picking at his fingers before turning to face Perrie and shrugging his shoulders helplessly, because he doesn't know how he feels, and he's not sure he can find the right words to express the emotions running through him. Perrie gives him a sympathetic smile and gently wraps one arm around his shoulders, she doesn't say anything and he's thankful that she gets it, gets him and isn't trying to force anything out of him, that she'll wait for him to organize the chaotic thoughts swirling through his head. “I-I don't know Pez” Zayn mumbles after another minute, “I just I'm worried about Liam and what this will mean for him and his career, and I'm worried about Eleanor and how she'll react once we do go public. I'm worried about what this will mean for us, and I'm completely freaked out about the actual act of coming out to the world alongside Liam” he rambles and Perrie furrows her eyebrows at him.

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