Chapter Sixty Four

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Chapter Sixty Four – Liam

Liam yawns as he stumbles through the door of his hotel room, kicking off his shoes and falling onto the bed. He's exhausted it was a marathon day of interviews, (with very few breaks), he expected this really, you can't pull a stunt like suddenly coming out to the public without expecting a media blitz to follow. He just wishes that Zayn could have been with him, and the interviewers didn't all ask the same, stupid questions, (now that your gay, how will your music be affected? What even is that??). Some of them weren't so bad, but most were the exact same thing, and if he's being honest Liam had checked out long before the day ended. He sits up as there's a knock on his door, before Louis bounds into the room flopping down beside him, “how's it going Li?” he asks reaching over to rub Liam's back. Liam groans and drops his head “I'm just tired Lou” he yawns and Louis laughs, “well I come bearing good news, I managed to move things around and you are now off until your sound check tomorrow at four” he explains. Liam grins, “but I thought I had a few more interviews tonight?” he asks confused, Louis grins, “I knew you were exhausted so I made them disappear” he says, making a ridiculous gesture with his hands. Liam laughs and launches at his best friend in a hug, “you really are the best Lou-Lou” he coos, pinching Louis' cheek. Louis winces and does his best to push Liam off, “yea, yea I am amazing” he scoffs and Liam rolls his eyes, as Louis stands up, “get some rest Li” he murmurs. Liam nods, “I will, just gotta call Zayn” he yawns again, and Louis laughs, shaking his head, “oh don't act like you're not running out of here to call Harry” Liam calls as Louis runs laughing back into the hall.

Liam grabs himself a drink before sprawling on his stomach across the bed with his laptop open in front of him, he smiles when he sees Zayn is already online when he opens Skype and quickly clicks his name. It rings three times before he picks up, and Zayn's face is suddenly on Liam's screen “hi” Liam says, as Zayn rolls his eyes “hey” he responds fondly. “I miss you” Liam breathes and Zayn frowns “I miss you too Li” he mumbles, but how were your interviews?” he asks. Liam makes a face, “they were all the same, boring, and pointless” he whines and Zayn chuckles, “aww but you survived” he coos and Liam sticks out his tongue at him. “What did you do all day?” Liam asks, around a yawn and this time Zayn makes a face, “actually I got an interesting phone call today” Zayn says mysteriously, Liam cocks an eyebrow at him, “from who?” he asks slowly. Zayn bites his lip, and Liam wishes he was still here beside him, “Astrid Cole” Zayn answers with a smirk, and Liam's eyebrows both shoot up in surprise. “You know her?” Zayn asks innocently and Liam inwardly groans, Astrid told Zayn, how she got his art, “ok, she's my cousin” Liam groans and Zayn chuckles “I know, she told me” he teases. Liam pouts “meanie” he mumbles, as Zayn stops laughing, “you, aren't upset with me?” Liam asks tentatively. Zayn shakes his head “no, but I should be, but I have an art show in three weeks, so I'm not” he answers.

Liam's eyes widen “Zayn that's amazing, I'm so proud of you” he exclaims and Zayn blushes, ducking his head away from the camera so all Liam can see is the top of his messy black hair. Zayn looks back up a moment later and grins at Liam, “thanks, it's a lot to take in, but you're, I mean you” Zayn stumbles before stopping and chewing his bottom lip again. Liam's eyebrows furrow concerned about why Zayn is suddenly acting so shy, “hey, what is it?” Liam coaxes and Zayn releases his lip. “I just, you'll come right?” Zayn asks quietly and Liam wants to laugh, because him going wasn't even a question, “Zee of course I'll be there, I wouldn't miss it for anything” he answers sincerely, smiling as Zayn visibly relaxes. “Good, I'll kind of need you there, and do you think Perrie would come?” Zayn asks and Liam laughs, “well if I'm running away from my tour, my opening act can too, so” he teases and Zayn pouts at him, “Liii” he whines. Liam's face softens, “yes, Zayn, I'm sure Perrie would love to be there. Louis too, not to mention the rest of Little Mix, my band, and everyone else you talked to when you were on tour with me” he explains. Zayn's eyes widen, “why would they all want to come?” he asks slowly and Liam shakes his head, “Zee when are you going to understand that you are basically impossible to hate?” he sighs. Zayn shrugs and mumbles something that Liam doesn't catch, but he doesn't push him, he recognizes the signs of Zayn shutting down.

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