Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen – Zayn

Zayn’s eyes widen as he steps off the elevator on the top floor of the building, there’s only two doors here, one on either side of the hall, and he realizes that these apartments must be huge. Taking a deep breath he knocks on the door on the right side of the hall, waiting for Liam to answer, this is it, he’s finally going to be completely alone with Liam, and he’s not sure whether he’s just slightly nervous, or completely terrified. The door swings open to reveal Liam, still dressed the same as when he dropped Zayn off earlier, but his hair is a lot messier now, probably from running his hands through it in frustration, or out of nervousness. “Hi” Zayn says lamely and wants to kick himself after he does, but Liam grins “hi yourself” he responds stepping back and gesturing for Zayn to come in, “hope Manny didn’t give you too much trouble” Liam says as he shuts the door behind Zayn. Zayn shrugs because he had honestly been terrified of the large doorman, “I mean he was curious about me, but not too bad” he answers slowly, toeing off his shoes, Liam chuckles shaking his head, “good, he’s great at keeping unwanted people out, but sometimes he goes overboard, Josh can’t always get past him” Liam laughs. Zayn smiles at this and shakes his head but doesn’t say anything, “c’mon Zee, I’ll show you around” Liam says gesturing for Zayn to follow him further into the apartment, Zayn nods and falls into step beside Liam without a sound. Liam turns his head and smiles at Zayn before grasping Zayn’s hand in his own and interlocking their fingers, Zayn blushes and bites his lip at the contact (that’s becoming a habit between them) but stays quiet.

Zayn follows Liam into a large living room and his jaw drops, the room is easily the size of his and Harry’s entire apartment. The couches are black leather and look extremely plush and comfortable, Zayn thinks about his and Harry’s ratty, torn furniture and sighs slightly. Liam gives him a funny look but Zayn shakes his head, there’s a TV on the wall opposite the couch and Zayn wonders for a moment just how big it is, underneath it there are several game systems, and every game Zayn could ever even want to play, Zayn’s jaw drops when it lands on a large shelf that’s completely packed with movies, and he wonders just how many movies are on it. “This is my living room” Liam says drawing Zayn’s attention back to him, Zayn nods, and notices the scratchy sound to Liam’s voice hasn’t gotten any better yet, “it’s nice Liam” Zayn responds quietly eyes darting around the large room still. His eyes rest on a few framed pictures sitting on a shelf. There’s one of Liam with two girls, who Zayn recognizes to be Liam’s sisters, probably taken right before his career took off, there’s another of Liam’s parents. The third picture makes Zayn smile, its Liam and Louis, Louis is clinging to Liam’s back and they’re both grinning cheekily at the camera, Liam notices Zayn’s gaze “yea that was taken the day we moved here” he murmurs rubbing the back of his neck. Zayn turns so he can see Liam’s face and his eyes are trained on Zayn, “it’s nice, you two must be close” he says and Liam nods, “he’s basically my brother, come on, I’ll show you the rest of the place” he says reaching for Zayn’s hand again. Zayn nods and slips his hand into Liam’s allowing him to lead him from the room.

The rest of the apartment is just as spectacular, the kitchen is full of brand new, state of the art appliances, (Harry would love it), there are three bathrooms, and three bedrooms, two are guest rooms, the third is huge, and has the biggest bed Zayn has ever seen, “this is my room” Liam mumbles and Zayn’s eyes widen, “it’s huge Li” he gasps, without entirely meaning to, and Liam nods, “yea it’s kind of ridiculous really” he answers, Zayn notices there’s even more framed pictures in here all of Liam’s family and friends. Liam leads him quickly out of the room and Zayn pouts a little, Liam chuckles, and opens another door, “and this is my office” he says and Zayn looks around, the office is covered in awards and everything to do with Liam’s career, as well as a large amount of Batman merchandise that makes Zayn chuckle. Liam pulls Zayn back towards the large living room and pulls him onto the couch beside him, just as Zayn expected he sinks into it just the perfect amount, “so that’s where I live” Liam rasps, ending with a cough and Zayn frowns. “It’s great Li, but your voice, are you ok?” he asks and Liam shrugs, “yea it’s just a little overworked like I said before, I’ll be fine” he answers, with a dismissive wave, Zayn rolls his eyes unconvinced and gets up from the couch. Zayn’s walking into the kitchen when Liam catches up to him, “Zayn, where are you going?” he whines and Zayn smiles at him, “to make you something to help with your throat, then we’re going to sit on the couch and watch movies, while you rest your voice” Zayn answers authoritatively and Liam’s eyes widen, and Zayn can’t tell whether it’s good or bad.

Liam slumps onto a seat in the kitchen watching Zayn carefully, “I need a kettle, ginger, lemon, and honey” Zayn says softly and Liam gets up, handing him the four items he asked for wordlessly, Zayn catches his hand, as he takes the honey, “hey, you ok?” he asks and Liam nods, “yea, just no one ‘cept Louis usually cares that I’m sick, or sore, or losing my voice, I just, first the hand massage and now this, you’re something else Zayn Malik” Liam whispers and Zayn blushes turning away to fix Liam’s drink. Liam’s kettle boils faster than Zayn thought all laws of physics would allow and he’s finished the drink within minutes, when he hands the steaming mug to Liam their eyes lock and Zayn bites his lip, “just be careful it’s hot” he warns and Liam smiles, standing up from his seat, “c’mon lets go watch a movie” he murmurs grabbing for Zayn’s hand with his free one, Zayn just smiles and follows Liam back to the couch the two sinking down onto it, Liam sips the drink and sighs, gesturing towards his shelf of movies, “you can pick anything you want to watch” he murmurs to Zayn, “this is really good by the way” he adds. Zayn smiles and makes his way to the shelf, pulling off the newest Batman movie after a moment, he hasn’t seen it and knows Liam’s a Batman fan, he returns to the couch handing it to Liam who grins. Liam stands up and puts the movie in before returning to sit closer to Zayn than before, still sipping his steaming mug, “where did you learn this?” Liam asks, and Zayn shrugs “my mum, used to make it whenever I was sick. Now stop talking mister for the next thirty minutes, ok” he says softly at first and scolding Liam lightly at the end. Liam smiles and mimes zipping his lips, Zayn smiles back as the movie begins to play.

Liam sets his mug down on the coffee table a few minutes later and turns his attention to Zayn, Zayn bites his lip and raises an eyebrow, at him. Liam sighs and pouts, Zayn just laughs not entirely sure what Liam’s trying to say, Zayn is suddenly being pulled sideways into Liam’s side Liam’s arm wrapping around his shoulders as he guides Zayn to cuddle into him. Zayn bites his lip and blushes, more than he’s ever blushed before internally freaking out entirely more than he ever has. Liam’s chest is broad and hard with muscle, but not uncomfortable, Zayn notices that he smells amazing, and he can feel Liam’s heart beating under his shirt, Liam makes a happy sound that Zayn feels rumble through his chest more than he hears, and squeezes Zayn gently. Zayn smiles happily, trying to focus his attention on the movie but his heart is pounding and he’s almost positive that his palms are sweaty. Zayn really can’t remember being this nervous around anyone before, there’s a swarm of butterflies performing tricks in his stomach, and yea Zayn’s never really felt this way around any guy before. He feels Liam’s lips lightly brush his forehead and he bites his lip as a burst of heat radiates around the spot, and yea its official Zayn’s never felt this way about anyone before, he’s falling for Liam, and he’s falling fast. 

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