Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven – Zayn

Zayn's eyes are sweeping around the room, first to the arrivals gate, then to the board to check the flight information, and finally a nervous glance at everyone around him. Today's the day Harry and Niall are coming to join him on tour, Louis' impatiently bouncing around beside him, and Jim is there as well looking the way he always does, stern and in charge. Zayn sighs as another group of people file out of the gate, none of them are his friends and he's frustrated and just wants to see them, and go back to the hotel and to Liam. “Shouldn't they be here by now?” Louis groans looking around and Zayn nods, “yup” he answers popping the “p” Louis rolls his eyes and glares at the other passengers in the airport, Jim chuckles, “you two are ridiculous, their plane literally just landed, give them five minutes” he teases, Louis punches him lightly in the arm, and Zayn rolls his eyes. He's missed Harry, and Niall and home in general these past few days, he loves spending time with Liam, and Louis, and even Lexie, not to mention the girls of Little Mix, especially Perrie, but they aren't Harry, none of them know him they way that he does, and its just not the same. He hears the familiar laugh before he sees them, and even when his eyes land on the pair he doesn't actually see them, for all the stuff they're carrying. They are both carrying what is undeniably one of Gemma's infamous care packages, and Zayn rolls his eyes, he should have known she wouldn't let them leave without them, he can see from here that one of the packages has a large letter “Z” on it, the other has a “D” just as large. But his eyes narrow in on what Harry is carrying, its flat and rectangular, and he growls low in his throat as realization sets in that Harry has brought one of his paintings with him, undoubtedly to show to everyone.

Zayn wants to tackle both his best friends in a hug, but the sheer amount of things in their hands makes it impossible, Harry must sense this and sets everything he's carrying down and wraps his arms around Zayn. “I missed you” Zayn murmurs into his shoulder and Harry nods, “missed you too” he mumbles back before he's gone, pulled out of Zayn's arms by an impatient Louis. Zayn watches the pair reunite, scrunching his nose up when they start kissing, and turns to Niall, “missed you too Ni” he says reaching out to see which of his paintings the traitorous Harry Styes brought, “You too, Zee” Niall chuckles as Zayn sighs, its the most recent painting he did of Liam. Harry and Louis come to stand beside them then, Harry picking his things back up before shoving the care package at Zayn, “Gemma says share and she misses you” he says slowly as Zayn takes the package marked with his initial. Zayn's eyes narrow on the other one which Jim has taken from Niall, “that one's apparently for Dan, did you know they've stayed in contact this whole time?” Niall asks and Zayn shakes his head, because no, he didn't know, but he does spend a lot of time in his own head lately. They make their way back through the airport then, Louis pulling Harry by the wrist and Zayn in step beside Niall, with Jim following behind them. Once they reach the car everyone scrambles inside and soon they are on their way back to the hotel, back to Liam, “do I look ok?” Niall murmurs quietly and Zayn grins, “you look great, and I'm sure Josh won't care” he answers, as his blond best friend relaxes beside him.

When they arrive back at the hotel, the car parks around back and Louis helps Zayn lead his friends up towards their rooms, once on the top floor, Harry shoves the painting into Zayn's hands before Louis can drag him away, “here, show Liam, I know you never would on your own, so I'm making you. You're really good Zee, it's time you let people see” he murmurs Zayn nods his head slowly, and takes the painting, just as Louis starts pulling Harry away, “right, well I know he's your best friend and all, but I've missed him, and you probably don't want to see us reunite, so we'll see you later for dinner” Louis says loudly, and Harry blushes, as Zayn watches him be pulled into Louis' room. Zayn leads Niall towards his and Liam's room and opens the door allowing the blond to step in first, Josh flies out of the living area his arms wrapping tightly around Niall, “NIALLER” he calls and Zayn chuckles just as Liam appears as well. Niall has dropped everything he's holding to wrap his arms tightly around the drummer's neck, “missed you” he mumbles into Josh's neck, Josh mumbles something back that Zayn can't hear, and judging by Niall's blush it's probably a good thing. “We'll see you guys at dinner” Josh calls before dragging Niall out of the room. Zayn pouts as the door shuts behind them, “my friends all just abandoned me” he whines and Liam chuckles, “they're staying for a while Zee, you'll see them again” he teases and Zayn pouts again. Liam wraps his arms around him, kissing his neck gently, Zayn shivers and leans back into him with a content sigh “but for now, I get you all to myself” Liam murmurs and Zayn nods slowly.

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