Chapter Seventy Eight

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Chapter Seventy Eight – Liam

Four days later and Liam is helping a very grumpy, and drugged Zayn, down to his car to leave the hospital, Zayn's got his arms crossed as he sits in the wheelchair, that Liam is pushing towards the exit. Louis' trailing behind with Harry, and Zayn's crutches along with all his other belongings, and a bag of different medications for Zayn to continue taking at home. “I could totally walk out of here” Zayn grumbles and Liam rolls his eyes, “you could, but the hospital says you have to leave in a wheelchair, so shush” he scolds lightly. He can't see him but he knows Zayn is rolling his eyes, as he huffs out another breath and recrosses his arms, Liam sighs and keeps pushing the chair towards the elevator. Liam presses the down button and waits as Louis and Harry catch up and they all climb into the elevator together, Jim and Alec are waiting downstairs to ensure they all make it to the cars safely as a few fans have shown up while Zayn's been in the hospital. Liam smiles fondly as Zayn starts giggling to himself as the elevator moves, he knows his boyfriend is currently high, from all the medication they pumped into him before releasing him and he just wishes he could be inside his head for a few minutes right now. “Have you told him, he's staying at your place yet, and not at home?” Harry asks quietly after a moment. Liam bites his lip and shakes his head, “I tried earlier, but he told me a dragon was coming and I had to be quiet” he explains, and Harry rolls his eyes. Louis chuckles and wraps a hand around Harry as the doors open and they start moving again.

Liam's thankful they make it to the cars without incident, and he's strapping Zayn into the passenger seat, when the raven haired boy giggles again, “what is it Zee?” Liam asks with a smirk. Zayn shrugs and bites his lip, “you're pretty, I want to kiss you” he mumbles and Liam chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss to Zayn's lips, smirking when he sees the blush on Zayn's cheeks as he pulls away. “You're cute, and you do kiss me, all the time” Liam assures him before shutting the door, “we'll meet you at your place?” Louis calls from his car, Liam nods, “sounds good” he calls back climbing into his car. It's when he's pulling out of the parking lot, and Zayn has already fallen asleep that Liam let's himself really think about everything that's going on, he's just glad Zayn is going to be ok, he'll need crutches, and pain medication for a few months, but he will be back to normal eventually. Liam's also thankful that Zayn never lost his memory, and forgot Liam entirely, a few details surrounding the accident still seem foggy to Zayn, but he hasn't forgotten anything. Except occasionally (like now) when the drugs completely make him lose his mind, and he says a bunch of nonsense. Liam also thinks about how, he doubts he'll be able to stop himself from doing something drastic (and probably illegal) if he ever sees Eleanor again, after this. Liam snaps out of his thoughts as Zayn starts to mumble in his sleep, “no, no, no the pink ones, the pink ones” Zayn slurs and Liam smirks shaking his head, fondly as he drives.

Liam turns off his car in his parking space in the underground garage at his apartment, and turns to face Zayn, who is still sleeping, with his face pressed against the glass of the window. Liam thinks about it for a second before deciding Zayn looks way too adorable, and small right now to wake up, so he carefully climbs out and walks around the car to Zayn's door. Once he has it open he gently unbuckles Zayn, wincing slightly as the slightly older lad groans, before Liam scoops him into his arms, bridal style, mindful of his bruised, and broken torso, and makes his way towards the elevators. Louis still has the crutches anyways, so Zayn wouldn't have been able to walk even if he was awake, Liam presses the button for the top floor, and leans against the wall, still cradling Zayn, as he waits. Zayn starts to stir as Liam steps off the elevator “Leeeeyuum” he whines, and Liam chuckles looking down at the boy in his arms, his hazel eyes are clouded, with either pain, or medication Liam's not to sure, “I don't live here, you said I was going home” Zayn grumbles pouting. Liam shakes his head as he moves down the hall, and gestures for Louis to take his keys off his finger and open the door. Zayn is now poking at Liam's face in an attempt to make him answer him, and Liam is concentrating on not dropping him, as that probably wouldn't help any of his injuries.

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